Max and Billy sat at the table as they ate and finished their work before going to school. Then driving up to Anastasia, everyone was quiet as Billy drove it was just a tiring day, arriving at school girls would giggle as Anastasia as she walked by. Looking at them and then looking at Billy, rolling her eyes as she continues to get away from them. Billy would smile with that charming smile, as the girls would just die over it. Max went over to her new friends while they headed to class.
Third hour, Billy had a class with Anastasia, sitting next to her.. Smirking at he. "Are you sure that Max is hanging out with good people?"
Closing the book that she was reading. "Yes, I took care of them since they didn't need me anymore."
"Fine. Just please do not be late coming to the car."
"Aye Aye captain." Bell rings, Billy wanted to say something to her but the teacher began the class. Working in partners, Billy wanted to work with Anastasia but another girl got to him that has a huge crush on him. Anastasia got paired up with a guy and Billy didn't like that but he would get over it because later on that day he was asked out on a date. He wasn't serious with anyone other than himself. But he was rubbed the wrong way with this guy.
School was out and the girl that Billy is working with asked for a ride home. So Max and Anastasia rode in the back, Max and Anastasia would giggle in the back whispering about girl things. Billy turns up the radio a tad. Shelly giggled a little, "So what time are you coming to pick me up tonight?"
"Eight." Billy looked in the rear view mirror that was facing Anastasia. She glared at him and then looked away.
"Great, I'll call you later."
Dropping off Shelly and then they drove off home. Billy looks in the mirror at Anastasia. "Want to tell me what that look was all about?"
"What are you talking about Billy?" Anastasia glares at him.
"You glared at me for no reason."
"It's nothing Billy."
Dropping in conversation, Anastasia walked him after he arrived at Max and his house since it wasn't a long walk. Max asked about going over to Anastasia to have help with homework. Her mom said yes. Before leaving Billy leans against the door.. "So what was that all about?"
"With Ana? I have no idea."
"Then what was the giggling about then?"
"About a boy that I like okay?" Shoving her other books into her bag.
"What boy?"
"Don't worry about it Billy, it's just a crush."
"If it's about those damn boys that you hang out with, you better stop because they are not worth it."
"And you are Billy?" Not meaning to say that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Looking at him being scared she knows that he would hurt her if it wasn't for her mother being home.
Not being able to threaten her, he gruffed at her and left her room. Running out of her room and towards the door as she ran right over to Anastasia.