Part 51

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Billy and Max were out surfing this early morning, Anastasia started to read a book while she watched them. It seemed like they were having a little more fun than they did the last time. Billy came in as he watched Max surf out a little farther. He was a little proud of her. Walking to were Anastasia is, he sat right behind her. Soaking wet she smiled a little as his arms went around her waist.

"So how's the book coming along?"

"I'm only reading it because I'm afraid to go out that far."

"So you can go swimming, so why aren't you out there?" He hummed in her ear.

"Oh many reasons why sir."

Removing the blanket.. "Do tell me, little girl." Then taking the book out of her hands.

"Well." Billy picked her up and carried her into the water. "Billy... Billy, put me down... Billy." Got into the water, water crashes right into them as Billy lets her go. Both heads pop up from the wave knocking them over.

Coming up laughing, Anastasia moves her hair out of the way. "Seems like I got you." He pulled her close to him.

"Seems so." Her arms are around his neck. Kissing her as Max paddled by, with a small smile as she rolled her eyes she headed to land.

They came up three minutes later. Going back to the house they just stayed outside for the longest time being, Max skateboard along the back yard sidewalk. Billy and Anastasia sat on the bench side drinking some beer. Her legs draped over his lap.. One of his hands on top of both of her legs. Laughing and giggling, Max never heard Billy being happy in a long time. Last time he ever laughed was when they went to the car track and he just had a blast. Billy went back to get beers.

"I never heard Billy laugh, like his real laugh in a long time." Max sat on one of the chairs.


"Yeah. I was like six, the last time I heard him really laughing. I told you, something inside of him is changing."

"If so, I hope that he is okay with changing a little bit. I always want him to be himself all the time."

"Only is he wants to stay with you."

"If he doesn't you think that he will go back?"

"I'm not sure. But I'm a kid, what do I know?"

"Max, kids always know something that us adults don't. Like when you were doing a math problem, you had to help me and I'm older than you and still don't get it. Besides, I hate it when adults tell kids that they don't know any better. How do we know? There are kids who know how to work bombs and bigger things in life that I'm sure that adults have no clue how to do it or start it."

Billy overhears them. "Do you know what I have a fear of?"


"Once Billy leaves, Neil will attack me again. Billy won't come home, I don't blame him."

"I wouldn't let that happen Max, I'm still staying at home until I'm ready to leave." Tapping on her nose.

Interrupting the conversation Billy brought back another beer for them. Max moved away as Billy took his spot back. "I'm going to call Jane."

"Okay." Anastasia watched her leave.

Billy hands the second beer to her. "So I was thinking."


"That the very last night that we here you and I could drive around." Taking a swig. "I will make sure that Max is safe of course." Since no one is really around.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind going site seeing before we returned."


"Yeah." Anastasia put her beer on the table. "Seeing were Billy grew up as a child or an old stomping ground."

Shaking his head. "Nah, we got another eight or nine miles to go before we hit that town."

"So why not?" Anastasia smiled at him. "It's just a drive and besides Max would be in bed. She is old enough to stay here for a few hours."

"Wow aren't you breaking some rules."

"I'm sure she'd be glad to have the house to herself before she goes back."

Billy kissed her as Max came out of the room. "Sorry interrupt. But Mr. Portland is on the phone."

Pulling away. "Thanks Max."

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