Part 60

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Billy left for his classes as Anastasia took Max to work with her. It was only for an hour that she would have to stay. Max didn't care for younger kids she just kept to herself. By the time Max and Anastasia got home, Billy would be joining them for like an hour and then he would be off to his own work.

Max was in her new room setting some things up, while Anastasia was on the phone with her papa. Billy came behind and wrapped his arms around her hips and placed his chin on her shoulder blade. Little jump as she smiled knowing it was Billy. "Thanks papa. I just wanted to give you a heads up. See you soon." Hangs up the phone. She turns around to face Billy. "How was class?"

"Eh it was okay, but I rather stayed home with you."

"I would have been at work silly. Anyways, I have the next two days off."

"Ahh really? So I have you all to myself before I have to go to work? Wonderful."

"Yeah.. And you somewhat do. I did tell your sister that I would help her unpack."

Oh yeah Max is here... He didn't forget, he just didn't think about it. Moving on he asked. "So is Timothy coming here or what is happening?"

"He and most of his men are coming up here for an event... I'm sure Joe will be there. I think he was calling to warn me." She missed her old dad, he cared for her so much now it's nothing at all. "Anyways. I ordered pizza.." She sounded so sad but she moved past it.

Billy did feel bad seeing her also hurt like this. But always admire the way she changes like a snap of a finger. "Okay babe. I'm going to put my bag away."

Anastasia kissed his cheek before leaving him. Billy went to put his bag on his desk. Coming out Anastasia and Max and put on some softer music to listen too while she was putting up posters and pictures. After a while, Billy came into Max's room as Anastasia was helping make Max's bed. "Alright dear I think that's all we can do for now until you know where else you want to put things."

"Thank you Ana."

"You're welcome."

Billy scares the crap out of Anastasia as he jumps right in front of her. Jumping and causing her to scream. She swats at him. "Billy James Hargrove ! You scared the shit out of me."

Billy just laughs, so does Max. "Sorry babe, I had to do it."

A knock on the door as Anastasia walks passed him. "Not funny." Opening the door was the pizza guy. Paying for it as she shuts the door. Billy and Max were still laughing.

' So they can get along.' Putting the pizza down on the table. "Lets eat before Billy has to leave."

At the table it was more enjoyable than this morning with reasons. After eating Billy went to change as Anastasia cleaned up around the table. In his swimming boxers, holding a towel and his surf board. Billy kissed Anastasia on the head as he told her goodbye and waved to Max as he exited the door.

Max stood in the kitchen watching Anastasia. "Ana?"

"Yes love?"

"Can we see a movie?" Max hasn't seen one in ages.

"Sure babe, what do you want to see? Something scary, funny?"

"Scary if that is okay."

"It sure is." Taking a pen and paper Anastasia wrote Billy a note telling him that they went out and be back in two hours. Since he'd be home before they would be.

Three hours goes by and Billy gets home. He is overly tired not seeing the note that Anastasia had left behind he crawls into bed thinking that she was taking a walk with Max or by herself. Another hour went by as Billy felt like something was off, she would be home by now.

"Ana?" He shouted for her. Thinking that she might be somewhere in the apartment. Nothing, so he heads towards Max's room. She wasn't in her bed too. Billy started to pace around the house thinking that Neil might have gotten to them. Going to the kitchen he saw the note, he doesn't know how long they've been gone. No time stamp, no saying on what they would be seeing.

Rushing back to his room getting dressed, the main door swings open. "I told you it was freaky." Max said.

"A clown that eats children! It's gross. Not freaky. Now I think I'll be having horrible nightmares for a week."

Running out of his room he shouted at both of them. "DO you have any clue what time it is?"

Anastasia looks at her watch. "Eleven." She wasn't sure on what was going on.

"Yes! Past Max's bed time." He was pissed.

Anastasia looked calmly at Max. "He is right, a school night here." Taking a deep breath in. "Sorry Billy. I'll go help Max."

Walking past Billy who was still hot, but that too will slow down. It didn't take Max long to change with Anastasia helping her. "Are we in trouble?"

"No, I think he just got scared, with Neil finding us that he panicked." Tucking her in even though she doesn't need to be. "I love you red. See you in the morning."


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