Part 54

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At the hospital at home, Neil, Susan and Timothy were waiting for the three kids. Billy expected the worse from his own father. In a room Neil was shouting at Billy blaming him and the whore Anastasia could had killed Max. Anastasia could hear the whole thing along with an staff member.

"Were you drunk?"

"No sir."

"Then what the fuck happened?"

"The breaks, the breaks stopped working sir."

"You ass." He flung a punch at Billy.

Anastasia had enough of the abuse that Neil was giving to Billy. Getting up as she walked to the door. Neil looked at her and Timothy. Billy was on the floor while Susan went to Billy. He sorta pushed her away. He didn't want her to get hurt with all the hate he had for her.

"Your done." Anastasia threw a punch to Neil. Along with spitting on him. "I'm filing a report on you."

He got up as Billy just stayed down because it would be his luck that Neil would do something. Neil smiled. "And you think they will listen to a fat ass whore?"

"They will. Because everyone here saw you punch the day light out of your son."

"He's not my son anymore. He's a fag of a freak. A homeless fag." Neil looked over at Billy.

"He's not homeless." Timothy spoke really loud. Stepping in. "I'm taking him and Max to my house and they will be living there. Susan I'm sorry, until you leave this man Max isn't safe at your house no longer and he just proved it. Billy I will have my men take you to the house you can gather up your things. Anastasia will go with you, to gather up Max's things."

"You have no right!" Susan shouted that was her baby.

"Your right I don't. But if you don't want custody taken away from you I think it would be wise."

Susan gave in while Neil was fighting to be hand cuffed. Billy and Anastasia was in the back seat, they sat far apart. Anastasia wanted to hold his hand. But she knew that Billy would be pissed at her and Timothy. It killed her inside.

Arriving at the house that he wasn't going to live in anymore. He grabbed his things as he did that Anastasia grabbed Max's. Boxes and Boxes went into a truck. It was big. Billy got the room up on the garage the was apart of the out house. Timothy knew that a grown man needed to be on his own. And Max had the bedroom she always slept in.

​​​​​​They finished at dawn and Max had woken up to hear the news. She was very very sad that her mother wouldn't leave Neil. But understand why she is living in a new home. At least Billy wouldn't be picking on her because Anastasia wouldn't aloud it.

Billy sat on his bed looking at a picture, it was a pict of Anastasia when she was small. Bruises, chicken pox all over her back. He had found in a box that was hiding. He chuckled, to him she looked adorable. Besides the bruises. She did look happy.

Billy remembers time with his mom. That made him happy. But he didn't have an pictures of her. Sitting on the floor to a place that he had to himself was nice. A knock on the door it was Timothy.

"How you doing son?"

"Okay, thanks."

"What your father doesn't know and will know know or care to know that you are a hero to my granddaughter and Max to did your best to save them as you did. I hope you will like it here. Oh and I ask for a small rent. Like maybe 20 bucks?"

Billy didn't listens to the first part. "Sounds fine to me."

"Max is awake if you want to go see her."

"Is that where Anastasia is?"

"She was at first but the doc told her to get some rest. Toni is watching after her. I thought you might like to see her."


Billy stayed in his room for a few days not coming down to eat or anything. Anastasia did knock but he didn't answer. So she left for awhile. Coming back with food and beer. She had a key to get in but only for emergencies when somebody is staying up there. Seeing Billy on the floor passed out from crying to much. Putting food and beer away she kneels right beside him.

"Billy?" His eyes opened but said nothing. She could see them. "Welcome home. I guess." She looked around. "I guess you can have parties here now." He didn't move. "Is there anything that I can make you feel better."

Billy sat up and got in her face. "I wish I never have met your fat ugly face. My father hates me and look where I am now alone! Because of you! You couldn't stay out of it! Could you!" He got up as he grabs her by the shirt. "Get the fuck out and never come in here again you cow!"shutting her up and pushing her towards the door. Slamming the door in her face.

Anastasia was stunned and hurt by this that she too shouted at him. " Your a JERK WILLIAM HARGROVE. I DID NOTHING WRONG BUT LOVING YOU." Anastasia stomps away back to her room.

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