Part 27

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Turns out she really did leave to go meet up with her papa for a few nights. Max's knew what number to call.


"It's Max."

"Hey Max, how's it going?"

"Not good. Well I mean good, but not good."

"Max, what's wrong?"

"Billy came looking for you and asked what you liked. I think he wants to ask you out or make it up to you."

"He doesn't need to do that. Billy didn't do anything wrong. I'm just an emotional girl. He's aloud to date anyone." Billy was listening on the other line.

"I know that. But it sounds like he wants to apologize or ask you out. However.... The two of you need to decide before the both of you make me go crazy."

"Alright, alright. I should be back on Monday."

"Perfect. Night love you."

"Night love you too."

​​​​​​SO she wasn't lying about not being home. Which made him a little bit better. Monday came as Billy bought some fake flowers. Mostly it was roses and daisies. He thought she might like them. Knocking on the door, Toni answered. "Come on in she out back."

"Thank you." Taking a deep breath in. 'Its show time.' opening the back door there she was, sitting right by her pool. Face still beat red.

Toni whispered. "Be careful, her father beat her down today."

"About what?"

"About another girl that he likes. He was supposed to come up here today and get her... But plans has changed."

"Thanks Toni." Heads out towards her. Sat down next her. "He let you down again?"

Starring at the water. "Yeah. But nothing new there."

Handing her the flowers. "I'm an ass Anastasia. I don't mean to hurt you. I hate when you get upset with me."

Tiny smile comes by. "It's not you Billy. Rally it's not. But thank you."

"Why did you look so mad at me then?"

"I'm all over the place Billy. I shouldn't had been angry at you." Smile got a little brighter as she looks at the flowers and placed them down on the other side. "I know better. I do. I stay in my head when I shouldn't." Turning her head to face him. "Now did you sleep with her?"

Shaking his head no. "I was more worried about you than being with her."

"That's nice of you Billy."

"Say why don't we go for a drive tonight, hmm?"


"Really. I found this kicker of a place, barely alcohol. And really good food." Trying to make it up to her even more.

"Alright right fine."


"Great. I'll pick you up at seven."

"See you then."

He felt good about doing this, even if nothing really happens at least he tried. It's better than nothing. Back at home another fight always happens, Max would do her best to stay out of it all the fights ended up louder and louder.

"Stop fighting Neil!"

Slowly he walks up to her but Billy gets in the way. "Your fight is with me not her."

" Oh no, if she wants to get into this then why not. We're all family here."

Billy stands his ground. "And she is a child."

Susan begs. "Please Neil, just stop. Billy did nothing wrong, all he said was hello."

"Well, well, well. It gang up on Neil is it?" He laughs. Punched Billy on his right side. "Next time ladies you wont be so lucky."

Max ran to Billy and stayed with him. "You're a monster."

"And your shit." He walks away from all of them.

"Please don't call my daughter that."

"She's my daughter now too, I can call her whatever I want."

Max wished someone else saw all of this so they could take Neil away, Billy got up with the help of Max. So much pain for someone so young. Neil left the tree of them alone. Susan hated asking. "I don't know what plans you have but do you mind taking Max to Jane's or have her stay with you, I want to talk to your father alone."

"I don't think you should." Billy moaned a little as he got up.

"You're right I shouldn't, but I'm an adult here and I need to talk to him alone." Her hands were placed on both of her children. "I'll call Jane's dad and if he doesn't pick up maybe Anastasia will help."

"I have plans with Anastasia.." Looking at Max. "But all in all Ana would want you with us anyhow."

Susan went to call Jane's dad Hopper, while Max helped Billy into his room. "You finally asked her out."

"I did. But it's not a date if you bring your shitty sister."

"No, it isn't. I'm sorry Billy. I'm so over him picking a fight with you. That it was only right."

"For that I don't blame you. What I do blame is that I have to take you all the time. For real though. Ana would had murder me if you weren't safe." Sitting on his bed. "How am I going to tell her? Sorry for what I did and oh by the way Neil wanted to fight me before I came to pick you up and now we have to take Max."

Rolling her eyes. "Blah blah. I know Billy. We don't know if I can't go over to Jane's."

"Yeah maybe."

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