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3rd POV

Deep in the heart of Musutafu we see people buzzing with a purpose. But a scream soon fills the air. Panning to the side we see a car barreling down the road. Following closely behind it is a gaggle of cop cars whose sirens are all blaring. 

Cop: "All troops be advised. Suspects are driving in a black top van. They're wanted for robbery. Immobilize them by any means."

Passenger: "Step on it!"

The driver slams the pedal to the floor. Their speed increases easily passing a hundred. The driver smiles when the passenger shouts.

Passenger: "Look out!!!"


As the van tries to escape the cops we see a man standing on the ledge of a building. He dances with no regard to his own safety. In his ear is earbuds which're blaring rock.

Y/N: "Girl's got rhythm! Girl's got rhythm!"

He sprays a can of brake cleaner into his mouth. His ears then hear cop sirens. Looking down he sees the van making its way down the road. Finishing the can he drunkenly dances towards the ledge. Eventually he reaches the ledge going over. 

His body free falls before slamming into the hood of the van. Its caved in sending the van into a front flip. As it does Y/N's body is sent skidding across the floor ripping and tearing his limbs well past their limits. The cops stop quickly arresting the robbers.


My eyes shoot open as a loud groan escapes me. Getting to my feet I curse.

Y/N: "Damnit. Still alive."

My body creaks and cracks as bones reset themselves. Then twisting to the side my spine pops back into place. 

Y/N: "It's astounding I'm still alive."

I pull out a notebook chocked full of crossed out ideas.

Y/N: "Break cleaner and high fall. Fail."

I cross that one out. 

Y/N: "Not many options left."

I look at you.

Y/N: "There's thousands of ideas in here by the way."

Cop: "Who the hell you talking?"

Y/N: "No one."

I wink at you.

Y/N: "Now to progress the story."

Right on cue the powerful, I snicker, All Might appears. He walks to me.

All Might: "Thanks for you assistance citizen."

Y/N: "Just doing my duty."

I hold back my laughter.

All Might: "Say. That was pretty impressive how you managed to survive that impact."

Y/N: "I'm just lucky."

He pulls out a card.

All Might: "UA is starting in about two weeks. We'd be more than happy to have someone like you."

I grab the card. I then smile seeing all the opportunities. 

Y/N: "I'll join."

All Might: "Great. You'll still have to take the exam though."

Y/N: "That won't be a problem."

All Might: "Confidence. I like it."

He turns around.

All Might: "I look forward to seeing you there."

He leaps quickly leaving the area. Meanwhile I head back to my house. As I enter I sniff my arm gagging.

Y/N: "Yep. Need a shower. Death sure is foul."

I run scolding hot water. As I take off my shirt my eyes spot my back in my mirror. I notice the massive burn mark covering my entire back. 

Y/N: "Seems like only yesterday."

Before the thoughts of days past can surface I slip into the shower letting the hot water hit my scarred back. I clench my fist as the water gives me a painful burning sensation. My teeth grit as the pain only grows.

Y/N: "Block out the past."

My teeth grit tighter till blood begins pooling. Eventually something gives as a tooth cracks. 

Y/N: "Shit."

Reaching into my mouth I yank out the broken tooth. Looking I notice it was a molar. I feel being met with a hole.

Y/N: "Guess I won't be eating steak tonight."

I simply toss the tooth into the trash can. Not even a second later pain hits my mouth as another tooth juts out replacing the lost one.

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