Intruder Alert

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I walk back home groceries in hand. Entering my home I see Aizawa sitting on my couch watching TV.

Y/N: "We're back."

Eri: *holds bag* "And we brought food."

He gets up walking to the kitchen with us.

Aizawa: "What're you cooking?"

Y/N: "Cheese enchiladas topped with queso and a side of Mexican rice."

Aizawa: "Sounds appetizing. I just might swing by."

I feel a tug on my jacket. Looking down I see Eri holding the apples I bought.

Eri: "Can we have caramel apples for dessert?"

Y/N: "Of course."

Later that night I stir the rice when there's a knock on my door. Opening it I see Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Am I too early?"

Y/N: "Not at all. Rice is just about done."

Once the rice is perfect I arrange plates. I then sit down dumping queso on my rice.

Eri: "Why're you doing that?"

Y/N: "It's the only way to eat rice."

She nods coating her rice in queso. Taking a bite her eyes light up.

Eri: "It's delicious."

I smile when I hear faint rustling. Looking out my window I see something moving in the darkness.

Y/N: "Aizawa, take Eri and hide."

He nods leading her away.

Eri: "What's going on?"

I place my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: "Everything's gonna be okay. Daddy just needs to express some rage."

She nods walking to a hiding spot.

Y/N: "Aizawa."

He looks at me.

Y/N: "Don't call for backup."

A/N: inspiration

He nods. As soon as he's gone I withdraw my katana hiding behind cover. My front door is shot down making people storm in. Holding my breath I swing my sword. An intruder's neck is sliced open making them bleed like a fountain.

Intruder: "Kill him!!!"

I walk away as gunfire is unleashed in my house. But an intruder manages to fire a buck shot into my chest. Pushing past the pain I grab their gun and shoot out their knee. 

Intruder: "I got him!!!"

I run to my kitchen diving over the island counter. Gunfire destroys my wall sending cutlery crashing onto me. A cleaver falls embedding into my back. 

Y/N: "Fuck this."

Pulling the cleaver out I stand tossing it. It's embedded into the intruder's chest taking them down. A secondary intruder gets me in a chokehold. 

Intruder: "What're you gonna do now?"

I skewer myself with my katana. The intruder gurgles as blood pours from his mouth. He falls down when I hear several guns click. Looking I see three gunmen aiming their guns. I run as their bullets riddle my body. I simply ignore them getting close.

With one swing I sever the arm of one gunman. The second gunman attempts to fire at me. I twist dodging their bullets. Now in the clear I slice out their knee. The third gunman manages to fire a single shot to my shoulder. I finish him off with a stab to the knee. He tries to crawl away when I walk after him.

Y/N: "You threaten to break into my house. Attempt to kill my daughter. And now you think you can just walk away scot free? You're surely mistaken."

I slice off their head ceasing futile escape. With the situation under control I look around at my trashed house.

Y/N: "It's gonna cost a fortune to fix this."

I put away my katana walking to Aizawa and Eri.

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