Steamy Wake Up

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I snore at the top of my lungs when I hear a voice.

Aizawa: "Wake up Y/N."

I groan flipping onto my side.

Y/N: "Fuck off Aizawa."

Aizawa: "Wake up. Or else."

I groan sitting up with my eyes still closed.

Y/N: "Why do I even need to get up?"

Aizawa: "Because you're on my desk."

I open my eyes. I then laugh remembering last night.

Y/N: "What time is it?"

Aizawa: "Seven fifty five. Class begin in five minutes."

Y/N: "Then I better get ready."

I throw off the blanket hopping off the desk.

Aizawa: "Why're you naked?"

Voice: "Why must everyone be so loud?"

We look to see a nude Midnight sitting up.

Aizawa: "Really Nemuri?"

Nemuri: "Say what you want. But last night was epic."

Y/N: "No kidding. Who knew you were so flexible."

Nemuri: "I have many talents."

Aizawa: "I suggest you both get dressed. Before Nezu sees this."

Y/N: "You don't have to worry about him."

I point to the corner. It's there he sees a naked Nezu laying next to a female like him.

Aizawa: "Please tell me that didn't happen."

I smile.

Y/N: "We're all a little fucked up."

I walk out of the classroom.  But I quickly stop.

Y/N: "Before I forget."

I reach behind me. Aizawa's scarf is pulled from its hiding place.

Y/N: "You might wanna wash that."

I wrap it around his neck. I then resume leaving.

Aizawa: "Was this pressed against your nuts?"

Y/N: *in distance* "You bet your ass!"

Later I yawn still trying to wake up. My phone then dings. Looking I see a picture from Midnight. 

Y/N: "What's this?"

I open the picture. The second I do I'm graced with a very sexy present.

 The second I do I'm graced with a very sexy present

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I fall out of my seat with a massive erection.

Y/N: "Thank god for sexy teachers."

Aizawa: "There a problem?"

Y/N: "Not by a fucking mile."

I get back in my seat. At the exact same moment All Might bursts into the room. 

All Might: "Welcome to Hero 101. In this class you'll learn everything about what it means to be a pro. But you'll need to put on your costumes."

A wall opens up as numbered crates are shown. 

All Might: "These costumes were based off your quirk registration and requests you made prior to school. Once you're suited up head to Training Ground Beta."

I stand in a city texting with Midnight. She sends me a teasing photo of her whip handle covering her exposed chesticles.

Y/N: "Why must women tease?"

All Might: "Look alive everyone."

I look seeing everyone ready. 

All Might: "As you know most fights with villains take place in the open. But statistically most fights happen indoors. And that's the point of this exercise. You'll be split into two teams. Two heroes and two villains. But keep in mind that you'll be dealing with real people this time. Not robots." 

Like no one's watching he pulls out a script.

Y/N: "You shittin me!?!"

All Might: "This' the situation. The villains have a nuclear device hidden somewhere within the building. The heroes' win if they either recover the device or capture the villains. The same goes if the villains defeat the heroes or keep the device safe until time runs out. Let's draw lots to decide teams."

By the end I'm with pinky against fire flower and some dude with a blue mask.

All Might: "Villains enter the building. You'll have five minutes to prepare."

They enter the building as I wait outside with pinky.

Y/N: "Look alive pinkzilla."

Mina: "My name's Mina Ashido."

Y/N: "Whatever."

After five minutes we hear All Might's voice.

All Might: "Begin!"

Y/N: "Hey if we win I'll-"

I whisper in her ear. Her cheeks turn red. I lean back raising my eyebrows twice.

Mina: "You're on."

I rush into the building. Almost immediately I'm greeted by cherry bomb.

Y/N: "Captain explody pants."

Bakugo: "My name's Bakugo."

Y/N: "Oh my god! I don't care! Let's fight!!!"

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