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I finally reach Nezu's office where I take a seat.

Y/N: "What's this about?"

Nezu: "As you know internships are coming up."

Y/N: "Yeah."

Nezu: "Have you thought about which agency you're gonna join?"

Y/N: "I'm not joining an agency."

He becomes surprised.

Nezu: "Might I ask why?"

Y/N: "I have prior plans."

He displays understanding.

Nezu: "I see. Well I won't keep you then."

I bow taking my leave. After awhile I arrive at my regular spot. 

Receptionist: "Greetings Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey Lois."

Lois: "Might I say you're looking as young as ever."

Y/N: "And you're getting prettier each year."

Lois: "Doh stop."

Y/N: "How's things between you and Mark?"

She smiles showing her hand.

Lois: "He asked me to marry him."

I smile.

Y/N: "Bout time. I was starting to think he was never gonna do it."

I sign my name on the sheet. 

Lois: "They'll be so exited to see you."

I nod heading to a set of double doors. Looking down I make myself presentable. Nodding I enter the double doors.

Y/N: "Squads, ten hut!!"

They all look at me smiling. They then run hugging me.

Girl: "We missed you Y/N!"

Boy: "You got anymore awesome stories?"

Y/N: "Always."

Every other week I entertain sick children at the local hospital. These kids are fighting for their life every single day. And since I actively seek death I figure they can be my version of therapy. I sit down in a chair as they surround me. But I notice someone's missing.

Y/N: "Where's little Emma?"

Voice: "Here."

I look seeing her walking to me. I smile seeing her getting better. She suffers from aplastic anemia. She would've died years ago. But luckily I found her and gave her my bone marrow. Nowadays she's walking all on her own.

Y/N: "You're doing so much better."

I lift her up setting her on my lap.

Emma: "Thanks to you."

I ruffle her hair as she giggles. 

Boy: "So what stories you got for us today?"

I smile.

Y/N: "How about the time I defeated a guy who could turn himself into a massive bull?"

They all become fascinated. I spend the next thirty minutes crafting a make believe story. They can never know the truth of my fights. If they find out the person they idolize constantly tries to kill himself then it might cause them to give up on life. The mere thought of a child's death makes me sad. Therefore I must tell them altered versions of the truth.

Y/N: "After that I grabbed him by the horns and made him smack face first into a concrete wall."

They all stare stary eyed. 

Boy2: "I wanna fight villains just like you."

Y/N: "I don't know. Fighting villains is no easy task. Why even I struggle from time to time."

Girl2: "What? But you're like the strongest person we know."

Y/N: "True. But not even strong people are invincible. At the end of the day they're just as vulnerable as the people they protect."

They all take in my words.

Y/N: "It's five. You know what that means."

Kids: "Exercise!!!"

I stand up as the kids line up in front of me. 

Y/N: "We're gonna do some simple warm ups. Take you right hand and touch your left foot."

I do the motion as they do the same.

Y/N: "Now do the same but swap."

I work them through several warm ups. By the end they're already flexing.

Boy3: "I already feel so much stronger!"

Girl3: "But we girls will always be stronger."

They argue back and forth. Meanwhile I smile. Later that day I tuck all the kids in with Emma being last.

Y/N: "Good night Emma."

She sits up hugging me.

Emma: "Thank you."

I return her hug.

Y/N: "You're welcome."

Tucking her back in I reach for the light switch.

Y/N: "Night kids."

Kids: "Goodnight Y/N."

I turn off the lights walking back to Lois.

Lois: "Ready?"

Y/N: "Yep."

I walk with her where she withdraws enough marrow to last Emma fifteen treatments.

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