Homeroom Antics

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I frantically search my house. Where on earth is it? I search through my closet and become scared.

Y/N: "Where is it?!?!"

I storm through my house. But entering the living room I have a stick dart hit between my eyes. 

Eri: "Got you."

I smile seeing her with a toy gun. I peel off the dart and kneel.

Y/N: "I see you've been wearing my jacket again."

She smiles as the hood slants over her eye. I pull it down.

Y/N: "May I have it back?"

She puts her hand on her chin with my sleeve drooping at the elbow.

Eri: "No."

I sigh.

Y/N: "Please? I feel naked without it."

Eri: "Can I have ice cream?"

Y/N: "Will it get me my jacket back?"

Eri: "Maybe."

Y/N: "You drive a hard bargain. Ice cream you shall get."

She smiles. After giving her ice cream we make our way to UA. Entering I walk her to Midnight's classroom.

Y/N: "I'll be back to pick you up after awhile okay?"

Eri: "I'll be waiting."

I kiss her forehead and walk to class. Entering I find everyone doing their usual thing of talking.

Y/N: "Howdy everyone."

They all turn smiling.

Mina: "Well if it ain't mr. immortal."

Y/N: "Don't call me that."

Momo: "It's true. What doesn't kill you makes you immortal."

Jiro: "He's probably just too stubborn to die."

I take a seat.

Y/N: "I'll have all you know, I'm just waiting for an honorable death."

They all look at me.

Mineta: "Why?"

Y/N: "Suicide is a dishonorable action when I was from. We lived on the mantra death before dishonor. Therefore I'm waiting for someone to kill me. But after all these years I'm starting to think that it just isn't possible."

Ojiro: "But don't you have Eri to look after now?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Which is why now I'm starting to value life. So from now onward I'm gonna fight to survive. So I can protect Eri."

Uraraka: "That's really sweet."

Bakugo marches his way to me. He then sits down putting his elbow on the table.

Bakugo: "Enough of the sentimental crap."

He smiles.

Bakugo: "I wanna see if you've got what it takes to beat me."

I lock hands with him. Deku grabs ours hands.

Deku: "Ready?"

I nod.

Deku: "Begin!"

Immediately Bakugo pushes my arm down getting it an inch away from a victory.

Kirishima: "Come on Y/N! Be a man!"

Toru: "Go all out!!"

Bakugo: "Listen to them Y/N. I want you at your best."

I smile.

Y/N: "If you insist."

I adjust my grip. Near instantaneously I slam his hand onto the desk with enough force to crack it.

Y/N: "Next time, try harder."

He stares at me with pure determination filling his eyes.

Bakugo: "I swear on my life I'll beat you."

Aizawa: "The bell rang so let's get to business. It's time to stop playing around and be more serious. Things get harder from here. Even though you have provisional licenses,"

Y/N: "When the hell you get those?"

Shoji: "We had exams not too long ago. Weren't you paying attention?"

Y/N: "Nope."

I look at you.

Y/N: "Or someone got too lazy to write it out."

A lightning bolt strikes me down.

Aizawa: "You've been given the certification to act as heroes in an official capacity. Or at least most of you. Two of you remain in supplemental courses. From this moment on, we'll be kicking your training up a notch. So be prepared. Now for today's homeroom lecture-"

An alarm blares making me exit the building. I then head to Ground Beta where I light a match. 

Y/N: "Dance little flame."

I flick the match catching a tank on fire. The fire spreads creating an explosion. The explosion ripples taking out an entire block.

Nezu: *speaker* "Please try not to cause too much violence."

Y/N: "I'm a villain. I gotta cause trouble."

Nezu: "Just try not to go overboard."

I wave dismissively.

Y/N: "Yeah yeah."

I throw my coat off withdrawing my katana. I hold it in my hands spotting my mantra engraved in it.

Y/N: "Time to got to work Akari."

I hold my katana back as I run through the make believe city.

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