I Will Save Her

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Overhaul smiles.

Overhaul: "Seems as though I struck a nerve. You still haven't forgiven yourself."

Y/N: "True I failed in the past. It haunts me every single day. But I have a chance to save Eri. And you bet your ass I'm gonna save her! And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to redeem my past mistake!!!!"

3rd POV

Y/N cuts through Overhaul's arm severing it. 

Overhaul: "Asshole!!"

He slams his other spare arm into Y/N's chest. The impact cracks Y/N's sternum. Sliding to a stop he aims a mallet at Overhaul. Pulling the trigger a massive boxing glove springs out punching Overhaul straight in the jaw. 

Gritting his teeth he places his hands on the ground. Spikes of asphalt jet out towards Y/N. He simply swaps the mallet with an axe. With a swing he cleaves the spikes in half. Now free he surrounds his hand in his smoke. 

Y/N: "Have some of this."

He fires condensed balls at Overhaul. With each blast Y/N's hand is stripped further and further down to the bone. The blasts hit Overhaul quickly blasting apart his remaining spare arm. He now goes on the defensive. 

He makes walls of stone to block the smoke blasts. But they effortlessly tear through his walls. They eventually hit him tearing through his skin creating massive gashes. As a last resort he makes a concrete spear impale Y/N's chest.

Eri: "Noooooo!!!!!"

Her horn glows growing in size. This glow spreads to Y/N. This forces the spear to eject from Y/N's chest. His hand then reverts to before his smoke destroyed it. This gives him an idea.

Y/N: "Think you can maintain this power?"

Eri: *straining* "I can try."

Y/N activates the full extent of his quirk. His smoke surrounds him. His skin breaks open. But Eri's quirk rewinds his body healing his injuries.

Y/N: "Time we ended this Overhaul."

Overhaul: "On that we can agree."

He fuses himself with a lackey turning himself into a muscly abomination. 

Overhaul: "Face your doom Y/N!!!!"

Y/N explodes towards Overhaul with aid from his smoke. Though his knees are consumed they're quickly restored. Now healed he swings his katana cleaving open Overhaul's mutated arm. He screams in pain trying to squish Y/N. He however runs away slicing his leg. 

Overhaul brings his other foot down crushing Y/N. However he uses all of his strength to keep the foot from fully coming down. The smoke starts to consume Overhauls' leg while fully destroyinf Y/N's arms. But they're quickly rewound back into creation. Eri's horn begins to grow ever larger.

Eri: "Hurry Y/N... I can't keep this up much longer."

Y/N nods running away from Overhaul.

Overhaul: "Get back here!!!"

Gaining enough distance Y/N faces Overhaul.

Y/N: "Time to end this."

He reels back his katana. His smoke covers it turning it into a massive smoke blade. When Overhaul gets close enough Y/N screams like a maniac swinging his katana. The smoke easily slices through Overhaul. The smoke burns his body to the point he defuses from his lackey. Y/N then looks down at Overhaul.

Overhaul: "You haven't... won."

He threatens to use his hands. They're however impaled by Y/N's katana.

Y/N: "It's over."

The smoke hits Overhaul's hands burning them out of use. He then looks at Eri begging as a last resort.

Overhaul: "Please Eri. Don't you care about me?"

She shows no sympathy.

Eri: "I only care about this man."

She wraps her arms around Y/N. Overhaul sighs passing out. Eri sighs as her horn shrinks to regular size. Y/N chuckles when he's brought to his knee.

Eri: "You okay mister?"

Y/N: "Call me Y/N. I'll be alright. That just took a lot outta me."

Eri: "Y/N."

He's escorted into an ambulance with bandages wrapped around his torso.

Y/N: "I'm telling you I'm fine."

Paramedic: "You have internal bleeding. We're taking you in."

He sighs when Eri tugs on the paramedic's leg.

Eri: "Where're you taking him?"

Paramedic: "To the hospital."

Eri: "Can I come with?"

Paramedic: "You're not-"

Y/N: "Let her come with."

The paramedic sighs.

Paramedic: "Come on then."

She hops inside sitting next to Y/N. Then together they're escorted to the hospital.

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