Days Past Pt 1

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A/N: Imma tweak history a smidge

3rd POV

It's a crisp autumn day in 1939. Going to a random house in Austin Texas we see a young Y/N L/N entering with a letterman strung over his shoulder. 

M/N: "How was school sweetie?"

Y/N: "Great. Had a science exam today."

D/N: "And?"

He smiles laying a piece of paper down on the table. His parents smile seeing an A+.

M/N: "Oh I'm so proud of you sweetie."

D/N: "I think this calls for celebration."

Later that night a small party is thrown at the L/N house. The guest mostly consist of immediate family with some of Y/N's friends. With him we see him drinking a beer while talking to his friends. 

Deacon: "So how's it feel to be a senior?"

Y/N: "Very liberating."

Sam: "You got any plans for after school?"

Y/N: "Well now that I'm eighteen I plan to enlist in the army."

Billy: "That's a big decision. You sure you though about it?"

Y/N: "I've thought about it for over three years. Plus I wanna do something with my life. And this' my best shot at doing something that'll mean something."

Deacon: *stands* "Then let's celebrate."

He raises his beer.

Deacon: "To Y/N. May he accomplish his dreams."

They all stand raising their drink.

Sam/Billy: "To Y/N."

They all clink taking a sip. The next day Y/N's family watch the tv with fear. Y/N then enters the room rubbing his eye.

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Uncle: "Look."

He looks at the tv.

FDR: "It is with a heavy to announce that we are at war. Our enemy is a nation known as Germany. We've mobilized as many troops as we can. But it's clear we need more. Therefore as of today all men of the age of eighteen are required to enlist. We hope with their help we can push back Germany."

Every looks at Y/N. His mom cries at the top of her lungs. Meanwhile Y/N only stares at the tv, trying to process what just happened. The very next day he stands in a line with other kids his age. A general then appears pacing back and forth.

Admin: "My name is General Admin. My job is to mold you panty wearing pansies into machines of war in only seven weeks. You will be pushed far beyond your limits. You better pray to whatever deity you believe in that you survive."


In just five short years Germany has conquered most of its surrounding lands with its might. The allies have tried their best but the Nazis just seems to be one step ahead. Cutting to Y/N we see him sitting on a stump thinking out loud.

Y/N: "Will this ever end?"

Man: "We've got a present!!!"

He walks to see two Germans being escorted in the base.

General: "Whaddaya got?"

Man: "We caught these fuckers trying to sneak past us."

General: "Now why were you doing that?"

German: "Schmutziges amerikanisches schwein!!"

He's shot dead by the General.

General: "I'll ask again. Why were you sneaking around our base?"

German2: *broken english* "We were... delivering... orders."

General: "What kind of orders?"

He remains silent. Y/N searches his pockets withdrawing a piece of paper.

General: "What's it say?"

He looks it over.

Y/N: "Says the Germans are preparing for an attack on Normandy."

General: "That's a gateway to the eastern front. If we claim it then joly old Hitler will be dealt a heavy blow."

Jonny: "What're you thinking?"

General: "Send a message to HQ. Tell them to gather as many troops as they can. We're making a detour to Normandy."

Erik: "What about him?"

Y/N looks at the German who's praying in his language. He's also crying. This hits Y/N in his heart. Despite everything that's been done his enemy is just like him, he's only fighting for what he believes in. The German then looks at Y/N.

German: "Release me... please. Don't let... them... kill me."

Y/N's forced with a choice. Let the enemy go or leave him to his fate. After some debate he discreetly cuts the German's binds.

Y/N: *whispering* "Go."

German: "I'll never... forget this."

He slinks into the woods.

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