Teacherly Advice

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I deactivate the smoke as the students get up holding themselves in pain.

Sero: "I had no idea you were that strong."

Deku: "No kidding."

He groans holding his stomach.

Deku: "Felt like I got hit by a dump truck."

Momo: "Where'd you even learn to fight like that?"

Y/N: "I had over seven decades to train. I didn't waste a single day."

Ojiro: "That's not exactly fair. Not everyone has your lifespan."

Toru picks him up.

Toru: "Yeah. We're not blessed with immortality."

Y/N: "You shouldn't be jealous of other people's prowess. You too can fight at my level. You've just gotta train with everything you've got. You may make mistakes along the way. But it's learning from those mistakes we grow powerful. I made plenty of mistakes in my abnormally long life. And I'm bound to make many more. But overcoming them will allow me to keep growing in terms of skill. The same goes for all of you."

They smile.

Momo: "Then looks like we've got a lotta work to do."

After collecting my jacket I head to Midnight's classroom.

Y/N: "How is she?"

Midnight: "Good. She aced her spelling test."

Y/N: "I'm so proud of her."

She looks at me weird.

Midnight: "Speaking of proud."

She kisses me deeply. As we kiss we hear a small voice.

Eri: "Why're you kissing daddy?"

We break seeing her holding a piece of paper.

Y/N: "No reason. Whatcha got there?"

She holds it out as I grab it. 

Eri: "It's us. As a family."

I smile seeing two stick figures clearly resembling Eri and I. Above us are the words family forever.

Eri: "You like it?"

Y/N: "I love it."

I grab her hand as we walk home. A couple days later we walk through UA when Nezu gets my attention.

Nezu: "Pleasure to see you Y/N."

He looks at Eri bowing.

Nezu: "And you too miss Eri."

She copies his bow.

Eri: "Nice to meet you."

Y/N: "Did you need something?"

He rises.

Nezu: "I wanna know if you're doing anything at the moment."

Y/N: "I was gonna watch my friends fight the punks of class B. Why?"

Nezu: "Three upperclassmen need some help. They've proved that they can outmatch everything we toss at them. So I was wondering if you could prove them a challenge. Maybe offer some pointers on how to further improve their skills."

I kneel in front of Eri.

Y/N: "Wanna see me kick some butt?"

Eri: "Yes."

I stand looking at Nezu.

Y/N: "Tell me where I can find them."

Nezu: "They should be in Gym Gamma training. I'll inform them of your arrival."

I walk us to the mentioned location. Entering I see three students training. Upon spotting me they walk standing before me.

Y/N: "Hello kids."

Mirio: "Greetings. My name's Mirio Togata. These're my friends Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki."

Nejire: "Hello."

Tamaki looks at me intensely. He then hides his face on a wall.

Tamaki: "So scary."

I tilt my head pointing at him.

Y/N: "Is he okay?"

Mirio: "He's severely introverted. That means he gets nervous easily."

I smile slinking towards him.

Y/N: "I got just the thing for you."

I hold out a blunt. He looks at me.

Tamaki: "What's that?"

Y/N: "A special medicine that'll give you the confidence of the gods."

Tamaki: "I don't know."

I smile devilishly as devil horns and a tail appears on me.

Y/N: "Just one little hit. That's all you have to do."

He thinks it over. 

Y/N: "Come on, do it."

He takes the blunt groaning in nervousness.

Y/N: "Peer pressure! Peer pressure! Peer pressure!"

He finally lights up taking a mighty puff. Instantly he stands tall with a massive smile on his face.

Tamaki: "Let's fight."

Y/N: "You heard him. Let's get to it."

They leave for a brief moment.

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