Dust To Ashes

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3rd POV

A massive explosion erupts sending smoke and debris everywhere. At the center is All For One standing tall. But his gaze is locked firmly on a pile of rubble.

AFO: "Come on, I know you're still alive."

At that moment a bloodied Y/N springs out delivering a right hook. All For One easily catches it pulling his arm to the side. With a downward strike Y/N's arm is broken at the elbow. Not bothered Y/N spins his kicking All For One's jaw.

AFO: "Not bad."

He grabs Y/N's ankle swinging him around. He's slammed onto the ground eliciting several deep crunches. All For One then tosses Y/N onto a piece of exposed rebar. He pushes himself off. Landing on his feet his body twists and snaps itself back to normal. 

Y/N: "That all you got?"

AFO: "No. But thanks for asking."

He holds out his hand. A massive gust of wind is fired at Y/N. He roots his feet but still gets scooted back. All For One increases the attack which starts shredding Y/N's shirt and tearing open his skin. All For One holds out his other hand. A blast of fire is launched sending Y/N flying backwards.

AFO: "Come on Y/N. Let loose that power of yours. You know you can't beat me without it."

Y/N gets to his feet as his wounds scorch themselves shut. 

Y/N: "You want that power. Then here it comes."

He throws all forms of control out the window. This makes the black smoke start to manifest. The building they're on starts to erode as Y/N's skin starts to blister.

Y/N: "Take this."

He explodes towards All For One. He catches Y/N by the chest slinging him over his shoulder onto the ground. He follows up by stomping Y/N's chest. Internally his ribs snap with one puncturing his left lung.

Pushing past the pain he summons his katana. With a swing he slices open All For One's thigh. Going down Y/N sparta kicks his chest sending him to his back. Y/N raises the katana high above All For One.

But All For One catches the blade an inch from his heart. He delivers a right hook that hits both the sword and Y/N's chest sending him colliding with a wall. A crack is heard. Look down we see Y/N's katana break in half.

Y/N: "You bastard!!!!"

The smoke increases tenfold fully eating the rubble exposing the earth. Like a madman Y/N screams rocketing towards All For One. All For One prepares to dodge. But the smoke around Y/N is too great. It instantly dissolves his arms as Y/N slams headfirst into All For One's chest. A loud crunch fills the air. His chest caves in making him gasp for air. Y/N then stands over him.

AFO: "Do it. Finish-"

He's silenced by Y/N stomping All For One's head. It dissolves into dust sending its ashes everywhere. Y/N hollers into the air making his smoke pillar into the air. He's quickly silenced by his quirk taking its toll. He falls but is caught by All Might.

All Might: "It's okay. I've got you."

He's loaded into an ambulance. As he's strapped in a voice is heard.

Kota: "Y/N!!!"

He runs reaching Y/N. He faintly opens his eyes smiling.

Y/N: "Hey kid."

Kota: "You did it. You beat the villain."

Y/N: "I sure did."

Kota takes off Y/N's jacket.

Kota: "Here I saved this for you."

He extends the jacket. Y/N chuckles pushing the jacket back to Kota.

Y/N: "Hold onto that for me. I'll come get it once I'm healed."

Kota: "Promise?"

His hair is ruffled.

Y/N: "Promise."

Kota lightly hugs him.

Kota: "You're the best hero ever Y/N."

Y/N smiles.

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