UA Academy

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The next day I walk to UA. Entering and heading to my classroom I hear screaming. I emit a deep sigh.

Y/N: "Imma need some assistance."

I reach into my back pocket pulling out a big bag of weed. I hum rolling a blunt. As I light it up I hear a shout.

Man: "Smoking is bad."

I look seeing a man dressed like a rockstar.

Y/N: "Weed is the most harmless thing you can ever take."

I take a long puff. I then hold it in front of him.

Y/N: *sputtering cough* "You wanna hit this shit?"

He takes it. He takes a long puff.

*a few minutes later*

Y/N: "And so then I said. Watch your mouth, I'm the fucking king!!!"

We both burst into laughter. Looking at the guy I see his eyes blood red and losing himself to laughter.

Man: "Man who knew weed was so fun."

Y/N: "It's the gateway to a very good time."

I reach into my other pocket. Dropping the bag I reveal shrooms.

Y/N: "But you really wanna get fucked up, have some of these."

I dump some into his hand. Meanwhile I eat what's left. 

Man: "These taste like shit!"

Y/N: "Cause they're grown in shit."

Speaker: "Class has begun."

Y/N: "Shit."

I burst into the classroom. I look around seeing man in a sleeping bag.

Y/N: "Who the hell are you?"

Aizawa: "My name's Aizawa. And you're late."

Y/N: "Sorry. I was smoking pot."

Aizawa: "That's against school rules."

Y/N: "Rules are meant to be broken."

I pull out a spare blunt.

Y/N: "Plenty more."

He narrows his eyes. He then puts the blunt in his mouth.

Aizawa: "Got a light?"

I light him up. 

Aizawa: "Take your seat."

I do so. Looking forward I see Aizawa puffing like a champ.

Y/N: "Someone's a pro."

Aizawa: "How do you think I got through school?"

He reaches under his sleeping bag withdrawing a uniform.

Aizawa: "Take one and meet me outside in the field."

I now find myself standing on a track field with the other students. I'm then confronted by a frog looking girl.

Frogger: "Where's your uniform?"

Y/N: "I fuckin hate uniforms. I despise their very existence."

Frogger: "Yikes. Did something bad happen?"

Y/N: "You could say that."

I feel my entire back start to ache. The past starts to resurface when I'm pulled out of it by Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Alright let's get down... to... busine-"

He slumps his head snoring loudly.

Y/N "Damn. He must've smoked his ass to oblivion."

I clap my hands waking him up.

Aizawa: "What were we talking about?"

Pink cheek dots: "Shouldn't we be in orientation?"

Aizawa: "If you wanna go pro then you can't waste any time on meaningless ceremonies. We're not shackled by tradition here at UA. That gives me free reign to run this class whatever way I see fit. All your life you've been limited to standardized tests. Meaning you've never been able to use your quirks in physical exams. Y/N, what was your longest throw in junior high?"

Y/N: "How the fuck should I know?"

Aizawa: "I want you toss this ball while using your quirk."

I'm tossed a softball. He then points to a circle.

Aizawa: "Anything's allowed. All that matters is staying inside the circle."

I step into the circle. 

Aizawa: "Anytime now."

I withdraw a small hand buzzer like object.

Loud mouth: "What're you gonna do, shock it?"

Y/N: "I just might fire flower."

He grits his teeth. Meanwhile I reel my arm back. Launching the ball the buzzer emits an explosion. This rockets the ball into the distance with it whistling. I smile as the other students stare with mouths agape.

Aizawa: "One thousand five hundred and two meters."

Everyone: "That's cheating."

Y/N: "All's fair in love and war. I've made love now I've yet to make war."

They all go red faced when Aizawa slaps the back of my head. 

Y/N: "The fuck was that for?"

Aizawa: "Inappropriate remark."

My eye twitches. I then point to him yelling.

Y/N: "Alright mister you just lost your weed privileges!!!!"

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