Special Bullet

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I gently knock on the door to my bedroom.

Y/N: "It's me."

The door opens with Aizawa being seen. He looks over my shredded clothing.

Aizawa: "Looks like you had fun."

I only roll my eyes. I then enter my room to see Eri poking her head over the bed.

Eri: "Is it over?"

I smile.

Y/N: "Yeah. It's over."

I pick her up.

Y/N: "Close your eyes okay?"

She nods closing her eyes. I then walk past the bodies of the intruders. 

Aizawa: "Holy crap."

I ignore him. We arrive outside when my house finally collapses. Eri opens her eyes looking at the house.

Eri: "Our home."

Y/N: "That's unfortunate."

Eri: "Where're we gonna live?"

Aizawa: "I've got a spare one. Belonged to my parents. It's on the edge of the city."

Y/N: "You sure it's okay?"

Aizawa: "Of course. It's the least I can do for a friend."

Y/N: "I will repay you."

I wince. Looking at my shoulder I see it still bleeding. This confuses me. Why hasn't it healed already? Later that night I put Eri to sleep in our new home. Leaving her room I pay All Might a visit.

All Might: "Y/N, what brings you by at this hour?"

Y/N: "It's a long story."

I now sit on a stool as All Might uses a scalpel to fish out the bullet.

All Might: "So you fought intruders. And one shot you which still hasn't healed. Is that about right?"

Y/N: "Pretty much."

He digs deeper making me grit my teeth and wince.

All Might: "Sorry."

Y/N: "No worries."

I feel the scalpel dig through my skin.

All Might: "And Eri, she's safe?"

Y/N: "Yeah. She's currently sleeping at a place Aizawa has. Only me and him of its existence."

All Might: "Thank goodness."

He pushes the scalpel down. The bullet pops out hitting the tray. We both look it over. It's small. Smaller than any other bullet I've seen.

Y/N: "You ever seen a bullet like that?"

All Might: "Nope."

I pick it up.

Y/N: "I think we should hand it over to Nezu. Maybe he can tell us something."

The next morning after dropping Eri off at Midnight's class I head to Nezu's office.

Nezu: "Y/N, a pleasure to see you."

He hops off his couch walking to me.

Nezu: "What may I be able to assist you with?"

I hand him the bullet All Might dug outta me. He holds it up the light.

Nezu: "A bullet?"

Y/N: "Not just any bullet."

I tell him everything that happened just last night.

Nezu: "My that's quite the set of events. But I'm more curious on your delayed healing. That's never happened before?"

Y/N: "Not that I can remember."

Nezu: "Most interesting. I'll have it looked over."

Y/N: "Thanks Nezu."

Later that day as I sit in the lunchroom I hear the speaker.

Nezu: "Y/N L/N please report to my office."

I make my way to his office. Arriving I see him and All Might waiting for me.

Y/N: "What've you got Nezu?"

Nezu: "We looked it all over and found something quite interesting."

All Might: "The bullet has a faint trace of radiation."

I tilt my head.

Y/N: "You mean..."

Nezu: "This bullet will kill you."

I remain stoic.

Y/N: "But I'm not dead. Meaning it failed."

All Might: "It hit you in a non vital spot. Meaning not much damage was caused. But there's still some damage."

He cuts open my finger. It bleeds for a solid thirty seconds. It then finally closes.

Nezu: "The bullet you caught seems to have stalled your healing. You should count yourself lucky."

I walk out of his office. As I walk a single thought runs through my mind.

Y/N: "That bullet. It was no doubt built with me in mind. If that thing becomes public then every known villain will be out to get me. And poor Eri will be put right in the crosshairs."

I become angry.

Y/N: "I'll kill anyone who attempts to go after her."

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