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I stand in a field with Eri just ahead of me.

Y/N: "Ready?"

Eri: *nods* "Ready."

I hold out a lizard with a missing tail. Her horn slightly grows and glows. 

Y/N: "Focus on the lizard."

She nods. She then groans in concentration. The lizard begins to lightly glow. Slowly its tail is regrown. After about half a minute the lizard is seen with a full tail.

Y/N: "Congratulations."

She smiles as her horn quits glowing. 

Y/N: "You're now one step closer to mastering your quirk."

She smiles when I hear an alarm from the city.

Eri: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "I don't know. But it's most likely nothing good."

I hand her my jacket.

Y/N: "Watch over that. I'll be back soon as I can."

I head to the city. Entering I see a building going up in smoke. 

Voice: "The immortal hero is here."

I look to see kid Freddy Kruger. 

Y/N: "Been while Freddy."

Dabi: "My name's Dabi."

I smile withdrawing a gun.

Y/N: "I don't care. You'll be defeated all the same."

He produces a flame on his hand.

Dabi: "You're mad if you think you can beat me."

Y/N: "Didn't your boss already tell you I can't be killed?"

I rush at him. Getting close I unload my gun in his face. He uses fire to burn my bullets to dust. 

Dabi: "Try harder."

I use my spare hand to withdraw a bazooka. I smile pulling the trigger. He's sent flying down the street. Skidding his clothes are torn to shreds. He gets to his feet showing anger.

Dabi: "That hurt."

He holds out his hand. A tornado of blue fire is sent my way. I swap my guns to a massive shield. The fire crashes onto me but the shield keeps me from getting burned. Now in the clear I walk through the flames towards Dabi.

Dabi: "Die."

He punches my shield with a flaming right hook. Now open he launches a fireball that hits me directly in the chest. I go flying backwards going into a building. I go to get up but feel pain in my stomach. Looking down I see a rebar going through my stomach.

Y/N: "That's not good."

I pull myself off as blood gushes out. 

Dabi: "Have some of this!!!"

I limbo as a flaming right hook soars where my head was. I put a grenade launcher to his stomach. Pulling the trigger he's sent high into the air. At max altitude the round explodes. He's sent rocketing into the ground cratering it. 

Dabi: "Don't think... you've won."

I walk to him as he staggers to his feet.

Y/N: "It's over. You've lost."

Dabi: "I refuse to lose."

He sucker punches my stomach soaking his fist with my blood. Stunned he delivers a downward right hook sending my fist into the asphalt. I hear a gun click.

Dabi: "This' the end for you."

Y/N: "Only you."

I flip swinging my katana. His arm is cut deeply into. It hangs limply as he steps back. I get to my feet limping towards him. 

Dabi: "Stay back."

He uses his good arm to fire a blast. I however ram my sword into his hand. This makes his blast backfire propelling him backwards. He impales himself on that rebar. I sigh seeing him down. But sirens wail. Looking into the distance I see a sea of Nomu and villains making their way to me.

Y/N: "Great. Just great."

I reel back my katana as the sea of foes breach the city edge.

Y/N: "One man, against an army."

I smile.

Y/N: "What a way to go."

Voice: "You're not alone!!!"

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