Don't Go

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3rd POV

Y/N falls outta the sky. But before he can go splat he's caught by Momo. She lays him down on her lap as his friends surround him.

Deku: "You did it Y/N. You beat Shigaraki."

He smiles.

Y/N: "I guess I did."

His smoke slowly peters out.

Mina: "What's happening?"

Y/N: "My time's up. I'm finally dying."

They all go wide eyed.

Kirishima: "No, you can't die! You're immortal!!!"

Y/N: "My heart exploded. My power destroyed my body too much. The second my smoke goes out I'll die."

They all begin to tear up. Meanwhile Bakugo kneels showing no tears.

Bakugo: "Listen up weakling."

He begins to get chocked up.

Bakugo: "I haven't beaten you yet. So don't you dare go dying."

He finally begins to cry. Y/N shows him a small smile.

Y/N: "You've got fire Bakugo. Use it to fuel your attacks."

Bakugo: "You got it. Nerd."

Y/N: "Aizawa."

He walks into view.

Aizawa: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "Take good care of Eri for me. She's gonna need someone."

He smiles but tears run down his cheeks.

Aizawa: "You got it."

Eri finally arrives kneeling beside Y/N.

Eri: "Y/N."

He smiles holding out his hand. She instantly grabs it.

Y/N: "I'm gonna miss you Eri. So, so very much."

She burst into tears hugging his chest.

Eri: "Please don't go!!! I'll do whatever you want! I'll eat all my vegetables!!! I'll even give you your bear back! Please just don't leave me!"

He places his hand on her head making her gasp. He shows her a smile.

Y/N: "Don't ever think I'll leave you. I'll always be there. Even if you can't see me. Don't ever.... forget... th-th-tha."

His hand falls to the ground. Everyone loses themselves to sadness. But none more than Eri. She screams in anguish.

Eri: "Paaapaaaa!!!!!"

She cries uncontrollably over her lost father. Bakugo puts his arm around her. The rest of 1A do the same trying to bring her comfort.


I see a pearly white gate. It opens blinding me with light. 

Voice: "It's been a long time."

My heart sinks. Regaining my sight makes me shed a few tears.

Y/N: "Akari."

She hugs me wrapping me in a warm embrace.

Akari: "I've long awaited this day."

I return her hug.

Y/N: "So have I."

She grabs my hand walking forward.

Akari: "Come on. Heaven just ain't the same without you."

I walk with my wife into the afterlife. But my other hand is grabbed. Looking I see her.

Y/N: "Eri."

Eri: "Please come back papa. I need you."

Akari: "Come on Y/N. Heaven's waiting."

Eri: "We all miss you."

I look to see all my friends. I look down. Which do I choose?

Akari: "Are you com-"

I cut her off with a hug. I feel tears escaping me.

Y/N: "I love you Akari. More than I can even begin to describe."

I look into her eyes.

Y/N: "But there're people who need me."

She remains frozen for a moment. She then sighs looking down.

Akari: "I understand."

I lift her head up by her chin. I then push her hair away revealing her beautiful eyes.

Y/N: "But I will return, one day. I promise."

I go to give her a kiss. She stops me with her finger.

Akari: "I only want to kiss you when we're finally reunited."

I smile. 

Akari: "Now go. You're family's waiting for you."

Eri grabs my hand leading me away. We walk to a door that's made of light. Going through I open my eyes seeing the blue sky. I get to my feet to see my friends walking away.

Y/N: "Y'all just gonna leave without me?"

They all turn going wide eyed. Eri breaks free from Aizawa's grip and runs to me. I scoop her up into a hug.

Eri :"I knew you'd come back."

Y/N: "I made a promise that you'll never be lonely. And I damn well intend to keep it."

Aizawa: "You gave up your chance to be with your wife. Why?"

Y/N: "She'll be in heaven waiting for me. But you guys need me."

Bakugo: "I swear sometimes I never understand you."

I set Eri down walking away.

Y/N: "That's the point fire flower. Now come on, let's go stuff our faces with food!!!!"

I raise my fist into the air. But yelp when a car slams into me. When it crashes Yamada slinks out high outta his mind.

Yamada: "That is the last time I smoke and drive!"

I gran seeing my twisted body.

Y/N: "Hey Yamada?"

Yamada: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I'm never giving you weed ever again."

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