After Battle

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I throw on my shirt as the doctor remains stunned.

Doctor: "I thought you had internal bleeding."

Y/N: "That's where the blood's supposed to be."

I stand up heading down the hall. Coming to a door I see a doctor finishing his check up on Eri.

Y/N: "How is she?"

Doctor: "In good health surprisingly. She's just a little shaken up."

Y/N: "Mind if I have a word with her?"

Doctor: "By all means."

He leaves the room as I sit down on Eri's bed.

Y/N: "How you holding up?"

Eri: "Great."

She wraps herself in my jacket.

Eri: "You were right about the jacket. It kept me safe."

Y/N: "I said it would."

She soon looks down.

Y/N: "What's wrong?"

Eri: "I'm sorry."

Y/N: "For what?"

Eri: "Because of me you nearly died."

She begins crying.

Eri: "It's always my fault. Everyone I get close to always get hurt. I'm nothing but a curse."

I pat her head. She looks at me.

Y/N: "You're not a curse Eri. You're just a kid who desperately needs a friend."

I smile.

Y/N: "And I'll gladly be your friend."

She cries tears but they're not of sadness. She hugs me.

Eri: "Thank you."

I smile returning her hug.

Y/N: "You're welcome Eri."

She tightens her grip making the bear squeak.

Bear: "I love you."

She breaks the hug.

Eri: "What was that?"

I unhook the bear.

Y/N: "It was this."

Eri: "Why do you have a bear?"

I look at it becoming a little sad.

Y/N: "Long ago I had a wife. We had always talked about having a kid. I saw this bear and though it'd be perfect for our child. Sadly we never got the chance to start our family."

I hold the bear out.

Y/N: "Here."

She looks at me shocked.

Eri: "You're giving it to me?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

She hesitates for a moment. She eventually grabs the bear holding it close to her chest.

Eri: "I shall treasure it forever."

She adjusts herself sitting next to me. She then leans onto my chest.

Eri: "You would've been a great daddy."

I take in her words. I try my best to keep my cool but tears fall down. I wrap my arm around her causing her to scoot closer.

Y/N: *choked up* "Thanks."

We sit there for several minutes. Later that day I gather snacks for Eri when All Might appears.

All Might: "How's she doing?"

Y/N: "Fine. The doc says she'll be able to leave tomorrow morning."

All Might: "That's great. Can we talk?"

Y/N: "Sure."

We head to a private room.

Y/N: "So what's this about?"

All Might: "Eri's future."

Y/N: "Oh."

All Might: "We did some digging and discovered that she doesn't have anyone left. Not even grandparents."

Y/N: "So she's got nowhere else to go?"

All Might: "We've looked into several options. But all of them you'll disagree with. So that just leaves one left."

Y/N: "Which is?"

All Might: "You adopting her."

Y/N: "Why me?"

All Might: "You were the one to rescue her. She's seemed to have takin a strong liking to you. Plus you're old enough to be her great grandfather."

Y/N: "I'll take her."

All Might: "That was fast."

Y/N: "She's a kid lost in a hostile world. No one will be able to keep her safe like me. Therefore I'll gladly adopt her."

He smiles.

All Might: "I'll get the proper paperwork set up. Meet me at the courthouse tomorrow afternoon."

I nod walking back to Eric. Entering her room I see her already asleep. I silently lay on the bed. Instantly she wraps her arms around me.

Eri: "Goodnight Y/N."

I smile rubbing her head.

Y/N: "Goodnight Eri."

I close my eyes drifting to sleep.

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