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The girl tightens her grip.

Overhaul: "You're not taking her anywhere."

He holds out his hand.

Overhaul: "Come to me Eri."

I look seeing her becoming severely distressed. I look back at Overhaul.

Y/N: "Did you hurt her?"

Overhaul: "Her body is the key to the hero disease. What happens to her is irrelevant."

I grit my teeth.

Y/N: "You'll pay for laying your hands on her."

He smiles aiming a gun at me.

Eri: "Look out!!!"

A dart is fired at my chest. Overhaul then rams his hand through my chest.

Overhaul: "You may be hard to kill. But not even you can survive a quirk erasing bullet."

He smiles when I punch him in the face. He skids across the floor until his head hits the wall.

Overhaul: "How?!?!?!"

I smile feeling my wound heal.

Y/N: "Only my own power can kill me."

I look at Eri seeing her trying to process what just happened.

Y/N: "Be ready to run okay?"

She nods. Turning quickly I launch a cutlass into his shoulder sticking him to the wall. I then pick up Eri running us away. When I think the coast is clear I sit us down behind a wall. We then hear Overhaul's voice.

Overhaul: "Hiding is useless Eri. You know I'll find you. If you come out I promise I won't be mad."

I look to find her crying.

Y/N: "There's no need to cry."

She tries to wipe away her tears.

Eri: "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared."

Y/N: "You know I'm scared too."

She looks at me with slight shock.

Eri: "You are?"

Y/N: "Positively terrified."

Eri: "Why aren't you crying then?"

Y/N: "Because this jacket right here gives me courage. As long as I wear I know nothing bad will happen."

I take it off putting it on her.

Y/N: "See?"

She nods relaxing. I ruffle her hair.

Y/N: "As long as you have that one I promise you'll be alright."

I throw up the hood which slants over her left eye.

Overhaul: "Come on out Eri."

Y/N: "Listen carefully. I'm gonna get you outta here okay?"

She nods. I then wrap my jacket around me fastening her to my back.

Y/N: "You ready?"

Eri: "Ready."

I withdraw my fixed Katana. But my chest begins cramping making me cough.

Eri: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Nothing."

I clear my throat.

Y/N: "I'm fine."

I rush out of cover towards Overhaul.

Overhaul: "There you are!"

He places his hand on the ground making stone pillars jet out at me. With a couple swings I destroy them. Then with a leap I go over Overhaul.

Overhaul: "No you don't!!!"

A thin strip of concrete wraps around my ankle. I'm then swung around before being launched into the roof. I keep going exiting the house. Landing on my chest I groan getting up.

Eri: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Never better."

I internally groan feeling some broken ribs. But they remain broken.

Y/N: *thinking* "Why aren't they healing?"

I look forward to see Overhaul now has two additional arms. He rushes forward bringing down the spiked claws of his extra arms. I swing my katana cutting them away. But this leaves me open to right hook. I get scooted back when I bite my cheek feeling pain. I then experience what feels like blood rushing through my stomach. Looking under my shirt I see my stomach turning blueish black.

Y/N: *thinking* "What on earth is going on?"

Overhaul: "Come on Y/N. Why must you waste your talents with heroes?"

I raise my guard.

Y/N: "You know me?"

Overhaul: "Of course. I know everything about you."

He slightly narrows his eyes.

Overhaul: "I even know how you failed to save the poor citizens of Okinawa."

My anger begins to boil.

Overhaul: "I can only imagine what kind of mental torture is going through your head. You failed them. They died because you failed to stop the Americans. Then there's poor Akari."

I scream in anger bringing my blade down on his spare arm.

Y/N: "You don't get to say her name!!!!!"

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