Days Past Pt 3

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3rd POV

It's a calm day on the island of Japan. Going to Okinawa we see its people happily conversing with vendors. Panning down we see Y/N holding a basket of vegetables. 

Y/N: "Thanks Maki."

 Maki: "No problem Y/N."

He walks away back to his house. In just under a year of deserting the US army Y/N has made a simple life. He's offered his skills to the people of Okinawa. To them he was their hero. Despite their nations being at war they treated him like family. 

When he had nowhere to go they opened their homes. This just further proved Y/N's point. Fighting is pointless. Because at the end of the day both enemies are just regular old people. People with families and people they're trying to take care of. It's just a shame the world hasn't learned that lesson yet.

Y/N: "I'm back."

Woman: "I'm in the kitchen."

He heads to the kitchen to see his loving wife making dinner.

He heads to the kitchen to see his loving wife making dinner

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Akari: "How miss Maki today?"

Y/N: "Her tests came back good. Turns out it was a false positive."

Akari: "Thank goodness. Cancer sure can ruin a family."

He wraps his arms around her resting his chin on her shoulder. She giggles resting her head on his. Y/N then plants a kiss on her cheek. This is Akari. When Y/N landed in Japan she was the first to welcome him. You could say it was love at first sight. Not even a month after meeting they got together.

Akari: "You got work tonight?"

Y/N: "Nope. My boss decided to give everyone the day off. Says we worked plenty for the week."

Akari: "Good. That means we can have a date."

He smiles. Later that night Y/N and Akari are awoken by sirens. Throwing on some pants Y/N runs out of his house. It's then he sees planes roaring overhead.

Akari: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Get to safety."

He runs to the bell ringing it. Everyone flees their home heading to the nearest shelter. As Y/N and Akari make their way there they hear screaming.

Girl: "Mommy!!!"

They look seeing a girl who got left behind.

Y/N: "Go. I'll save her."

He runs picking up the girl. But as he does he sees a plane making its way to him. Reaching into his pocket he withdraws a walkie talkie he kept just in case. He turns it on tunning into the pilot channel.

Y/N: "This' private first class Y/N L/N. What is your business here?"

Pilot: "I have strict orders clear any resistance."

Y/N: "Hold your fire! These're civilians!"

Pilot: "Orders are orders."

Y/N tosses the walkie talkie running towards the shelter. As he does the plane drops a bomb. Y/N manages to toss the girl into the shelter swiftly locking it. But this leaves him to take the bomb. The atomic bomb goes off scorching the entire island. As for Y/N his back takes the full might of the blast. When the dust settles Y/N is seen laying face first in the dirt.

His back is severely burned with blood gushing out. He twitches emitting a loud groan. Slowly picking his face up he sees his fellow brothers in arms opening fire on the exposed survivors. They scream as Y/N reaches for them. 

Y/N: "Akari."

He clutches the dirt as fury fills him. His pain becomes non existent as he stands. Grabbing a stick he screams running towards his brothers. He jams the stick into the neck of one brother. This causes them to fire their gun killing an additional three. The rest open fire riddling Y/N with bullets.

Private: "He's dead."

Y/N gets to his feet. The bullets are pushed out of his body as the wounds are scorched shut.

Y/N: "You took everything. For that you'll all die!!!" 

Private2: "Kill him, he's just a man!!!"

Y/N picks up a gun shooting all of his former brothers dead. When the last one falls he drops to his knees crying. 

Y/N: "Akari."

He cries as his home continues to burn away before him.

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