Days Past Pt 2

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3rd POV

Near the beaches of Normandy we see its citizens buzzing with life. They're conversing with sellers seeing their goods. But the peace is soon broken by heavy gunfire. German forces march through killing any unfortunate soul that's present. 

But they're soon surprised by missiles raining from the sky. Explosions fill the air as American troops begin landing on the beach. But not wanting to go down Germans hidden in bunkers open fire at the docking Americans.

Y/N: "Take cover!!!"

They all hide behind rocks as gunfire continues to consume the land. 

General: "Anybody got any eyes?!?!?!"

A private slightly peeks over his cover.

Daniel: "There's a path to our left!! We need suppressive fire!!!"

A row of soldiers armed with machine guns unload at the bunker.

Y/N: "Now's our chance, charge!!!"

They scream rushing closer towards the bunkers. They're however stopped by rows of barbed wire.

General: "Bring in the bangalores!!!"

Three bangalores are set up.

General: "Fire in the hole!!!"

The pins are pulled blowing up the barbed wire.

General: "Advance!!!"

They rush forward towards the bunkers. Pushing the door open the General tosses a grenade in. It goes off leveling the bunker. Looking out we see the other bunkers be taken care of.

General: "To the city men!!!"

They run towards the city. But gunfire forces them to take cover.

General: "What're we up against?!?"

Daniel: "Germans! About twenty of them!"

Dean: "We're sitting ducks here!!"

Y/N: "I've got an idea!!"

He slinks into the building. Running upstairs he hops through the window into the next building. But that's when he's confronted by five Germans.

Y/N: "Crap."

He dives behind a pillar as gunfire is let loose. This causes the Germans outside to divert their attention there. This in turn allows the Americans to shoot them down. Now free the General tosses a grenade into the window.

German: "Granate! Granat-"

It goes off blowing them to pieces. Y/N uses the fire escape to rejoin his brothers.

General: "Nice work L/N."

He smiles when airships begin flying in dropping bombs. They cheer seeing the Germans running away.

General: "We did it men, Normandy is ours!!"

Suddenly a group of Germans walk to them with their hands up.

Private: "Germans."

Everyone but Y/N aim their guns at them.

General: "What's your business?"

Man: *broken english* "Please.... we surrender."

The General narrows his eyes. He then shoots the man dead.

Y/N: "What the hell?!?!"

General: "What?"

Y/N: "That was wrong!"

General: "Don't tell me you've grown soft to these dumb krauts."

Y/N: "They were surrendering."

General: "Listen and listen well kid. We're at war. And we don't have time for mercy. If we were to spare them then they'd just stab us back when we least expect it."

Y/N: "They could change!!"

General: "No one can change."

He aims his gun at the other surrendering German. Without any hesitation he's shot down. This makes Y/N clench his fists.

Y/N: "You're deranged."

General: "That's just how war is. There's no time for goodness. All that matters is completing the mission."

Y/N: "Then fuck the mission."

He throws down his gun and helmet. He then tosses his dog tags into the dirt.

General: "What in God's name do you think you're doing soldier?"

Y/N: "I won't be part of a group that thinks it right to kill people who surrender."

He begins walking away.

General: "This' desertion! You'll be hanged!!!"

He keeps walking leaving Normandy.

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