Downtown Mock Battle

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I make it to downtown to see a group of my friends arriving in a type of wagon. 

Y/N: "Well today must be my lucky day."

Deku: "Y/N?"

Momo: "Why're you here?"

Y/N: "Nezu thought I'd make a great fake villain. So he tasked me with seeing where all of you stand combat wise."

I reel back my katana smiling.

Y/N: "Let's hope you guys improved."

They smile getting ready.

3rd POV

Deku, Ojiro and Sero rush at Y/N for a head on attack. Holding out his sword he blocks Ojiro's tail while catching Deku's charged up fist with his free hand. Not forgetting about Sero he holds out his right foot covering his tape dispenser.

Uraraka: "Now Yaoyorozu!!"

Looking past his opponents his spots Momo aiming a cannon at him. Acting quick he waves his katana waving away Ojiro's tail. Now with a free hand he withdraws a chain whipping it. Deku and Sero are knocked back as the cannon is fired.

Momo: "Take this!!!"

The cannonball soars through the air towards Y/N. Carefully calculating he spins snatching the cannonball.

Momo: "Impossible!"

Coming back around he flings the cannonball into Momo's stomach. She goes flying getting squished against a building. The other students become worried when Toru manages to get the drop on Y/N getting him in a headlock.

Toru: "I got you!"

He smiles releasing a small portion of his smoke.

Toru: "Owww it burns!!!"

She releases her hold as Y/N sweeps her legs. Uraraka uses his diverted attention to tap Y/N. He begins levitating off the ground. When he gets high enough she shouts.

Uraraka: "Now Deku!!"

He looks seeing Deku being swung around with aid of Ojiro's tail. When he's got enough momentum he lets go launching himself at Y/N. Y/N crosses his arms as Deku delivers a charged up right hook. He goes flying into a building.

Deku: "We got him!"

Y/N: "Don't think you've won just yet."

He walks out of the building surrounded by his smoke.

Sero: "Now we're toast."

Y/N hunkers down readying his katana.

Y/N: "Get ready."

The young heroes group up as Y/N smiles like a maniac.

Y/N: "Here I come."

Like lightning he zips towards the heroes. His speed is more than they anticipated as he instantly arrives in front of Sero bringing down his katana. He effortlessly slices through his tape before kicking him into a building. 

Deku: "Sero!"

Ojiro: "Take this!"

He rushes towards Y/N. Ojiro delivers a series of tail whips. Y/N easily weaves through him poking vital pressure points with the butt of his katana. When Ojiro readies another attack his body locks up causing him to fall face first onto the ground. Y/N looks behind him blocking Toru's attack. With a simple flick he knocks her out. Y/N looks at his two remaining opponents.

Y/N: "Just us now."

They get ready as Y/N puts away his katana. Now armed with his fists he rushes at the opposition. Deku delivers a Delaware Smash which Y/N limbos under. Now open he sucker punches Deku in his gut. Peeking over Deku's shoulder he sees Uraraka rushing in to avenge him.

Y/N: "Poor strategy."

He uses Deku as a shield making him get tagged. He floats into the air. But before he gets too far Y/N wraps a rope around his waist. With a hard tug Deku is yanked onto Uraraka taking them both down. The students groan as Y/N dissolves his smoke.

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