Explosive Battle

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Bakugo releases two explosions launching himself towards me. He then delivers a right hook that I twist to the side dodging.

Y/N: "Missed me!"

Bakugo: "I'm not done yet!"

He fires an explosion that rips open the side of my clothes. I also go flying through a wall while cracking a second one. As I fall Bakugo cups his hands above me. An explosion erupts sending me into the ground. 

As I lay on my chest. I spin onto my back. I also kick out Bakugo's legs sending them into the air. Flipping to my feet I kick his chest sending him upwards. He goes through the roof as I jump after him. 

Bakugo: "Take this!!!"

I withdraw a katana and hold it sideways. This allows me to stop Bakugo's fist a hair's width away from my face. 

Y/N: "Not bad."

I smile.

Y/N: "But you'll have to try harder."

I swing the katana waving his attack away. Then with another swing I cut his left grenade gauntlet in half. 

Bakugo: "Bastard!!!"

An explosion is released blasting my weapon away. 

Bakugo: "I got you now!!!"

He pulls the pin to his remaining grenade gauntlet. A massive explosion is released rocking the entire building. I slam against the wall as my sword impales my chest. I puke blood before having the world go black.

3rd POV

As the dust settles Bakugo coughs waving away the smoke.

Bakugo: "I think I might've gonna a little overboard."

He tries to look through the smoke.

Bakugo: "Where'd Y/N go? I know he should've survived that."

Looking forward his eyes go wide. Just in front of him is the impaled body of Y/N. He drops to his knees with dread filling his body.

Bakugo: "What've I done?"

He hangs his head.

All Might: *speaker* "Bakugo, Bakugo can you here me? Is everything okay?"

Bakugo: "No. Y/N's-"

A hand is placed on his shoulder. Looking up he sees Y/N alive and well.

All Might: "What is it? What about Y/N?"


I look at the camera.

Y/N: "I'm okay. Just got knocked out for a second."

All might: "Oh, alright then. Miss Ashido has recovered the bomb. Your team has won."

Y/N: "Alright!"

I walk away. Bakugo however stops me.

Bakugo: "How? I-I saw you-"

I grab his shoulders looking into his eyes.

Y/N: "I'm okay kid. I'll always be okay. No matter what happens I'll always be alright. Stuff like that happens all the time. So do me a favor and don't beat yourself up over it. Okay?"

He nods.

Y/N: "Good. Now come on. If we hurry we can watch the other matches."

I put away my sword and walk to the others.

Y/N: "Wait, I won."

I strip naked.

Baukgo: "Why're you naked?!?!"

Y/N: "Do I even need a reason?"

The next day I nod my head as ACDC blares through my earbuds. Looking down I see Aizawa staring at me.

Aizawa: "What're you doing up there?"

Y/N: "Tryna find God!!!!"

Aizawa: "Well come down. Class is-"

3rd POV

Before he can even finish his sentence Y/N leaps landing face first on the cold hard concrete. Blood splatters everywhere even on Aizawa. He however remains unfazed. Not even two seconds later Y/N groans.


I emit a long groan as pain consumes me.

Y/N: "Damnit, still alive."

I grab the back of my hair and peel my severely flat face off the concrete. 

Y/N: "Look, I'm flat stanley."

Aizawa: "If you don't hurry we'll be late."

I put my thumb in my mouth and blow. I reinflate to normal popping my back. We enter the classroom where I sit down. 

Aizawa: "Now that everyone's here we can begin class. The first task will decide the future of the class."

Everyone becomes nervous.

Aizawa: "You're to pick a class representative."

I sigh as they argue.

Glasses: "Be quiet everyone. The only way to decide a class representative is to have a good old fashion election."

Y/N: "Great. Democracy is now in our schools. Is nowhere some from the toxic grip of politics?"

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