The Big Three

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The three students come back in their respective costumes. I hand Eri my jacket which she promptly puts on before coloring. I then hack into the gym speaker scrolling through my phone.

Mirio: "What're you doing?"

Y/N: "Puttin on some fightin music."

I smile.

Y/N: "Bingo."

I tap the song which buffers. While it does I stretch myself out.

Y/N: "Get ready kids."

I hop shaking my stiffness away while cracking my neck.

Y/N: "Let's begin."

3rd POV

Y/N runs towards his three opponents as they get ready. Mirio phases through the floor while Nejire fires spiraled blasts at Y/N. Leaping over them he's left open to be grabbed by Tamaki's tentacles.

Tamaki: "Got you."

Mirio ejects from the floor readying a right hook. Y/N however breaks his shoulder dislodging himself from Tamaki's hold. Going down he slams his feet onto Mirio's face. He however uses his quirk to phase through Y/N.

Y/N: "Woah a dude just went inside me."

Nejire blushes which allows Y/N to wrap a chain around her neck. With a tug she's swung over his shoulder onto the ground. Backing his friend up Tamaki sends feathers at Y/N. Looking over his shoulder he backflips over the attack landing behind Tamaki.

Tamaki: "Crap."

Y/N wraps his arms around Tamaki's waist before smashing him into a German suplex. Mirio takes this moment to grab Y/N's arm and phase both of them into the ground. While he struggles Mirio appears in front of him.

Mirio: "We won."

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: "Not yet."

With no regard to pain he brutally rips his forearms off. Getting to his feet blood puddles under him. This causes the big three to become fearful. Their fear is further amplified as new arms regrow from his bleeding nubs. He then cracks his fingers balling his fists up.

Y/N: "Shall we go round two?"

Nejire is the first to rush in. Y/N smiles limboing under her spiral attack.

Tamaki: "Look out!!"

Y/N grabs Nejire's neck and choke slams onto the ground shattering it. In a panic Tamaki sends tentacles at YN. He runs to the side making the tentacles miss him. Then grabbing ahold of them he spins Tamaki around. Letting go he sends Tamaki away embedding him into the wall. 

Y/N: "Just us now."

Mirio phases through the floor. Through repetition he springs out of the floor punching Y/N only to phase back into the floor. Y/N grows angry activating his smoke. The ground is eat up forcing Mirio out of the ground. He pats his smoking cape.

Mirio: "So hot."

Having his attention occupied Y/N fires a blast of smoke that hits Mirio dead center. Coming to a stop he attempts to phase back into the floor. Y/N however grabs his forearm as he's mid phase. The smoke burns Mirio's arm who frantically tries to phase out of Y/N's grasp. But he loses all hope when, without telling it to, his body pushes him out of the ground. Y/N places his other hand near Mirio's throat.

Y/N: "Do you yield?"

He sighs holding up his hands.

Mirio: "I surrender."

Y/N smiles retracting the smoke and letting go.

Y/N: "That means I won!!!"

He throws his fist into the air.

Y/N: "I beat all you pansies!!!"

He laughs when he groans clutching his chest.

Y/N: "Stroking out!!!"

He spasms before collapsing onto the floor. While he revives Mirio looks at where Y/N grabbed him to see smoke coming out of his skin. He then thinks out loud.

Mirio: "Why did my body force me out of the ground? I still had my quirk activated. Could it be going on the fritz? Or was it something else?"

He looks at Y/N who springs to feet.

Y/N: "I've returned!!!"

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