Final Exam

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A couple days later I walk with the other students to a large facility.

Jiro: "What's with all the teachers?"

Aizawa: "I assume most of you have an idea of what you'll be facing today."

Denki: "Robots!"

Nezu: "No actually. You'll be doing things differently."

Momo: "You're changing things?"

Nezu: "You've got a new focus on this year's test. Not only will there be hero work, but also teamwork and combat with other people. What's that mean? You fabulous kids will being fighting in pairs against the staff of UA. Plus Y/N."

They all look at me as I join the teachers.

Toru: "Now we're doomed."

Momo: "If I may ask. Why will we be fighting against Y/N?"

Nezu: "His quirk was deemed an easy win against the teachers. So to make sure you all have a fair chance of winning he shall be a combatant."

Denki: "But isn't it still unfair to those who have to face him?"

Aizawa: "No. Because the ones facing him pack enough power to even the playing field. Speaking of, we've already decided the teams. They were picked based on fighting style, grades as well as personal relationships."

They announce all the teams.

Aizawa: "The final team will be Bakugo and Midoriya. Against Y/N."

Bakugo smiles as Deku becomes nervous.

Y/N: "You kids better be ready. Because I won't be holding back."

Nezu: "Now for the winning conditions. You win by either cuffing your opponent or if one of you manages to escape the arena."

Mineta: "We can seriously win by bailing?"

Snipe: "Yep. If you think you can win then fight."

Thirteen: "But if you feel like you can't win. Then there's no shame in running away."

Nezu: "Let the exam begin."

I head to the teacher's lounge where I wait for my match. As I do I text with Midnight. She sends a very saucy picture which makes me smile. 

Speaker: "Y/N please report to the area of your match."

I get up as Nezu looks up at me.

Nezu: "Try not to go overboard okay?"

Y/N: "I'll try not to."

I take off my jacket

Y/N: "Watch over this for me."

I hand it to him as I head to a city where I rolls up my sleeves. My opponents then arrive.

Y/N: "You kids ready?"

Bakugo: "I'm always ready."

Deku: "May we have a good time."

Speaker: "Final exam, begin."

I rush towards my opponents katana at the ready. I deliver a downward strike which Bakugo blocks with his grenade gauntlet. Meanwhile Deku manages to delivers a left jab to my side. I go flying through a building. 

Y/N: "Not bad."

I dust myself off before switching stances. 

Y/N: "But let's see how well you handle this."

Digging into my quirk all feelings are cut off. Then in a dead sprint I bring my katana down on Bakugo. It packs a bigger punch allowing me to slice into his gauntlet. I quickly hold out my hand catching Deku's foot.

Y/N: "Won't get me the same way twice."

I swing Deku into Bakugo taking them both down.

Bakugo: "Look out!"

I send out a kick which Bakugo dodges by limboing. Deku charges up a punch.

Deku: "Detroit smash!!!"

His fist collides with my chest. I go flying backwards going through several buildings. When I stop I notice a massive rebar going through my stomach. I then see a massive explosion coming for me. Acting quick I rip myself free dodging the explosion. But after that I hear the speaker.

Speaker: "Exam complete. Bakugo and Midoriya, passed."

I smile. Seems they used that explosion as a distraction. Clever. I put away my sword and go watch the rest of the matches.

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