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My eyes shoot open as I sit up.

Y/N: "Damnit."

I stand up as All Might enters the room.

All Might: "Am I interrupting something?"

Y/N: "No. What do you need?"

All Might: "Nezu would like to see you."

I walk with him to a room with a one way window.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me?"

Nezu: "Yes. I want you to see what you can get out of Overhaul."

I smile.

Y/N: "Thought you'd never ask."

I walk into the interrogation room.

Overhaul: "You again."

I punch him out of his chair.

Y/N: "Oh you fell down. Let me help you up."

I grab his neck slamming his back onto the wall.

Y/N: "Listen and listen good. I have very little patience. So do me a favor and tell me what I wanna know."

Overhaul: "I'm not saying anything."

I flip him over my shoulder onto the table. I then slam the chair through the table pinning him down. I squat to his level.

Y/N: "Last chance. Talk. Before things get messy."

Overhaul: "Never."

I grit my teeth covering my hand in that smoke. I then grab his arm causing it to begin blistering. He tries his best to hide his pain.

Y/N: "As you can tell this smoke is very corrosive. By my guess you have about thirty second before it burns off your arm."

His first layer of skin is burned through.

Y/N: "Talk or you'll be down an arm."

He only locks eyes with me.

Y/N: "I mean it. I'll burn your arm off."

Overhaul: "Burn in hell."

A vein pops out of my head. I scream walking out of the room. I sit down growling when Nezu and All Might join me.

Nezu: "You okay?"

Y/N: "No. He didn't talk."

All Might: "These kinda things just take time."

I look him in the eyes standing.

Y/N: "He's got a child locked away. Every second we don't find them the more they're tortured. We need to find them. Now."

Nezu: "I understand your anger. But we've got to-"

The building rumbles. 

All Might: "What was that?"

I run to Overhaul. Entering his room I see a massive hole in the wall. Looking down I see his cuffs were burned through.

Y/N: "Damnit."

Nezu: "What?"

Y/N: "He used his burn to destroy his cuffs. I shouldn't have used that smoke."

All Might: "We'll find him."

I narrow my eyes.

Y/N: "You're damn right we will."

I look over my shoulder at Nezu.

Y/N: "Permission to use violence."

He sighs.

Nezu: "Permission granted."

I smile running out of the wall. From there I follow the destruction left behind by Overhaul. I eventually arrive at a rather big house. Several villains surround me.

Villain: "Halt or-"

Y/N: "You're in my way."

I expel my smoke flinging the villains away. Looking down I see one trying to crawl away. I stomp their head keeping them from escaping.

Y/N: "Where's Overhaul?"

Villain: "I ain't telling you shit!"

I once more surround my hand in smoke. I then grab this ear burning through it. He screams bloody murder.

Y/N: "Where. Is. Overhaul?"

Villain: "He's under the house! There I told you, now please make the pain stop!!!"

I kick him unconscious. I then make my way into the house. 

Y/N: "Now to go down."

I activate that smoke on my feet. It eats through the floor dropping me well under the house. It's then I come face to face with a little girl with white hair and red eyes.

Girl: "Are you here to save me?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

She cries hugging my waist.

Girl: "Thank you."

I pat her head.

Y/N: "Thank me when we make it out of here."

She grabs my hand.

Girl: "Let's go."

Voice: "Well ain't this touching."

We look seeing Overhaul.

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