Mortal Man

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I become angry seeing Shigaraki coming into view. He then holds a gun over me.

Shigaraki: "The great Y/N L/N. How far you've fallen."

He fires another bullet into my other leg. I breathe out the pain when he faces a Nomu holding a camera.

3rd POV

Every screen in Japan screeches. Everyone stops what they're doing looking at their nearest screen. Shigaraki then appears on the screen.

Shigaraki: "People of Japan. I have with me your great hero."

The camera faces Y/N.

Eri: "Dad."

Shigaraki: "You think he's some kinda god. Just because he can walk off mortal injuries and defeats bad guys you think you should praise him. You view him as invincible. But he's not. He's very, very mortal."

He walks to Y/N firing a radiation bullet into his arm. Everyone watches as blood gushes out staining the ground. Shigaraki fires a second bullet into Y/N's other arm.

Shigaraki: "You treat him as a god. But we all know gods don't bleed. Yet here he is, bleeding like any other man."

He looks at the camera.

Shigaraki: "You put your entire faith into him. Now watch as your faith is crushed."

Shigaraki looks at Y/N. With no hesitation he fires a radiation bullet into Y/N's stomach. Everyone watches in horror. His friends share a gasp. Eri however begins to cry.

Eri: "Get up dad, please."

He remains unmoving. With Shigaraki we see him getting directly in front of the camera.

Shigaraki: "As you can see, your hero is no god. He's a man. A man who suffered a mortal death."

He walks to Y/N looking down at him. He puts Y/N's head in his crosshairs.

Shigaraki: "So long hero."

He cocks the hammer readying a bullet. 


I stare directly down Shigaraki's barrel. This' it, this' where I die. After all these years it's finally my time. The world moves in slow motion as he pulls the trigger. The bullet begins making its way to me. I close my eyes embracing the end.

My entire life flashes before me. My birth. My first steps. Prom. Joining the army. Meeting Akari. Attending UA. Saving Eri. Adopting her. I smile. But I'm soon flashed with a memory that wasn't too long ago. It's me and Eri in a field staring at the clouds.

Eri: "Can I ask you a question Y/N?"

Y/N: "Always."

Eri: "Your power. Does it scare you?"

Y/N: "I'd be lying if I said no."

Eri: "How do you deal with it?"

Y/N: "I keep hope. Hope that one day I'm able to fully control it. But a part of me never wants that day to happen.

Eri: "Why?"

Y/N: "I fear I'll hurt everyone."

She lays on my chest. She then gives me a big hug.

Eri: "I promise Y/N. You won't ever hurt anyone. You care too much. So don't ever be afraid of your power."

I shed a tear. A fire lights inside of me. My strength multiplies tenfold. I open my eyes seeing that bullet an inch away from me.

3rd POV'

The bullet is caught.

Shigaraki: "What!?!?!"

He's punched into the Nomu. He looks up seeing Y/N getting to his feet. That smoke leaks out like a river. His shirt and boots are melted leaving him in only his pants. A crown of smoke then forms on his head along with two horns. The final thing to appear is two black wings conjured from smoke.

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