Training Camp

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Later that day I relax in a hot spring. The warm water softens my stiffness allowing me to submerge all but my eyes under the water.

Ojiro: "This' the life."

Denki: "No kidding. I could honestly live in this hot spring."

Y/N: "Agreed."

I emit a long content sigh when I hear heavy breathing. Looking I see Mineta trying his best to phase through the wall.

Y/N: "What're you doing?"

Mineta: "Just think fellas. Behind this wall is a bevy of beautifully naked babes just asking to be looked at."

Y/N: "Do you even hear yourself right now?"

Mineta: "I now know why I was given my quirk. It was for this very purpose."

He begins peeling off the dots on his head and sticking them to the wall. He repeats this process slowly climbing the massive wall.

Deku: "Shouldn't we stop him?"

Y/N: "I got it."

I toss two daggers at him. They pierce the sides of his towel keeping him in place. 

Mineta: "I will not allow you to come between me and heaven!"

He quickly ditches his towel continuing the climb. I wrap a rope around his neck.

Y/N: "Get down here."

With a yank he's pulled off the wall. He screams before landing headfirst on the cobblestone floor.

Mineta: "Why are you of all people trying to stop me? We're the same."

Y/N: "I chase women to ease pain. You do it out of pure harassment. We're not the same."

Mineta: "Hypocrite."

I kick him face into the wall. A couple days later I watch as the kids partake in a good old fashioned test of courage. I lean back on the tree branch when Mandalay gets my attention.

Mandalay: "Can you go find Kota please? I haven't seen him since dinnertime."

Y/N: "Yep. And idea where I can find him?"

Mandalay: "He usually hangs out at that mountain."

She points to the mountain in the distance.

Y/N: "I'll go see if he's there."

I hop from tree to tree until I come face to face with Kota. Walking closer I see him crying. He spots me turning his back to me.

Kota: "Leave me alone."

Y/N: "Why're you crying?"

Kota: "Whaddaya care?"

I take a seat next to him.

Y/N: "I can't stand it when kids cry. It breaks my heart. So what's got you bothered?"

He hesitates.

Kota: "Have you ever been angry? I mean like really angry."

Y/N: "A time or two. Why?"

Kota: "My parents were killed by a stray villain. I asked the heroes to help me. But they told me to just get over it. They brushed me off when I needed help."

He clenches his fists.

Kota: "My parents were killed and they didn't care. Heroes are supposed to help people. But they didn't help me. I got so angry. I wanted to punch them in the face."

He unclenches his fists.

Kota: "But I'm just a kid. I'll do little more than tickle them."

I wrap my arm around him. Though shocked he relaxes.

Y/N: "I was like you once."

He looks at me.

Kota: "You were?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I was at a pretty low point in my life. I had just lost someone I really cared about and was left with nothing. Before it happened I begged the people responsible to just go home, leave us alone. But they didn't. They struck my home and I was furious."

I look down.

Y/N: "I did some things. Very bad things. So bad I doubt God will ever forgive me."

Kota: "What'd you do?"

Y/N: "After I did all those things I sat back and reflected. I got even but it felt empty. I just did all that and was still left with nothing. The pain I felt drove me to some dark places."

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