Medical Discovery

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3rd POV

At UA's medical room we see Recovery Girl looking over Y/N with aid of another doctor themed hero. All Might and Nezu then enter the room.

All Might: "How is it?"

Recovery Girl: "He's alive. Which is a big shock."

Nezu: "Find anything interesting?"

Recovery Girl: "You could say that."

She looks at her assistant.

Recovery Girl: "Flip him over."

She nods flipping Y/N onto his chest. It's then they see his scarred over back.

Nezu: "Oh dear."

All Might: "What is that?"

Recovery Girl: "It's an old scar. And by old I mean old."

All Might: "How old?"

Recovery Girl: "At least seventy years old."

All Might and Nezu look at each other.

All Might: "How?"

Recovery Girl: "I ran some tests and found some interesting stuff." 

She looks at a holographic tablet. 

Recovery Girl: "Turns out Y/N here is a staggering ninety eight years old."

Nezu: "But he looks twenty four at most."

Recovery Girl: "I looked into that."

She shows a picture of diseased looking genes.

Recovery Girl: "Turns out he was hit by an extremely lethal amount of radiation. But instead of killing him it seems to have scorched the ends of his chromosomes."

All Might tries his best to keep up. He sighs.

All Might: "Can you explain that please?"

Nezu: "Chromosomes get shorter the more they split. This is a major factor in aging. But having his ends scorched has somehow granted him the ability to continuously replicate them."

Assistant: "Not only that. But this gives him an unlimited amount of chromosomes to replicate. This keeps him young and allows him to bounce back from some nasty hits."

Recovery Girl: "There may be more to it."

She looks at the tablet.

Recovery Girl: "After some further testing we found that due to his exposure to radiation his quirk is deeply intertwined with his very being."

All Might: "Meaning?"

Recovery Girl: "It's just a theory. But even if his whole body was destroyed. He could regenerate from his very soul."

They all look at the still unconscious Y/N. 

Nezu: "What about what we saw at the USJ?"

Recovery Girl: "It seems that he's able to release the same radiation he was exposed to. Going off his injuries I'd say that it has the power to end him. Seems the thing that gave him his power can also take it away."


I open my eyes groaning. I then sigh.

Y/N: "Still alive."

Hopping off the bed I head to class where I see the others already there. They then look at me funny.

Y/N: "What?"

Deku: "How're you feeling?"

Y/N: "Fine."

Mina: "You're not feeling... say... lightheaded?"

Y/N: "Fit as a fiddle."

I narrow my eyes.

Y/N: "Why're y'all so damn curious?"

They all advert their gaze. 

Aizawa: "Good morning everyone. Today we'll be talking about the upcoming internships, which'll last one week. As for who you'll be working with, the ones on the board will choose from their offers. Those that aren't will have a different list. There's around forty agencies who've agreed to take interns from this class. Keep in mind that each agency has a specific specialty its heroes will focus on. Make your choices by the weekend."

I walk out of the classroom heading to my locker. Pulling it open I'm presented a teddy bear in near mint condition. 

Y/N: "Hey Mrs. Cuddles. Long time no see."

I grab her pressing my forehead on hers.

Y/N: "Sorry for not holding you lately. Had a lot on my plate."

I sigh feeling her softness.

Man: "That dude's got a teddy bear!!!"

He laughs his head off. Withdrawing a gun I fire kunais at him. They pin him against the wall.

Y/N: "No one will ever make fun of you."

I clip her to my waist and walk until I hear Nezu's voice on the speaker.

Nezu: "Y/N L/N please report to my office."

I turn around walking to Nezu's office.

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