Mountain Massacre

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I look at him.

Y/N: "The point is this. You may be made at someone now. But if you get even with them then you'll just feel empty. Getting even is never the route to go. For it often just leads to more heartache."

Kota: "How do you cope?"

Y/N: "I push forward. No matter what."

He smiles leaning onto my chest.

Kota: "You're not so bad mister."

I half smile.

Y/N: "Thanks kid."

Voice: "Well what do we have here?"

I get up facing a dude with blond hair. 

Y/N: " Who the hell're you?"

Muscular: "Name's muscular."

Kota: "I-I-It's you."

Y/N: "You know him?"

Kota: "He's the one. The one who killed my parents."

My anger boils as my fists clench.

Y/N: "You got some nerve. Orphaning a child."

Muscular: "That sounds like a challenge."

I march to him as he smiles.

Kota: "Look out!!!"

A piece of muscle shoots towards me impaling my chest. I puke out blood as Muscular lifts me off the ground. 

3rd POV

Muscular: "Big talk from such a little man. You were embarrassingly weak."

He tosses Y/N's body into the mountain. Meanwhile Kota blindly runs towards Muscular and hits him as hard as he can.

Kota: "You killed him!! You'll pay!!"

Muscular picks Kota up by the back of his shirt.

Muscular: "What's up with you?"

Kota: "He was my friend!!! And you killed him!!!"

He's punched in the stomach. He skids across the floor gasping for air.

Muscular: "If you liked him so much."

He activates his quirk covering his right arm in his own muscles.

Muscular: "Then you can join him in death."

He sends his razor sharp muscles at Kota. But something black shields him. Kota looks up and goes wide eyed.

Kota: "You're alive."

Y/N: "Course I am."

Kota: "B-but I saw you-"

He looks down seeing Y/N's wound has healed.

Y/N: "Listen closely Kota. I want you to hold on tight okay?"

He nods latching onto his chest.


I turn around withdrawing two swords.

Y/N: "You hit my friend. For that you'll pay."

Muscular: "You managed to survive a direct shot to the heart."

He surrounds himself in his muscles.

Muscular: "This'll be one hell of a fight."

Y/N: "This isn't a fight. This' a massacre."

I look down.

Y/N: "Close your eyes."

He nods burying his face in my chest. Muscular rushes towards me. He brings down a razor tipped muscle blade. With a simple twist I dodge his attack. Then with a double swing I slam my swords into his neck. His muscles cover his neck sparing him.

Muscular: "Nice try. But your puny swords won't be able to puncture my muscles."

I smile. In one clean motion I switch to my katana and slice him. It easily slices through his muscles. He backs away holding his bleeding wound. 

Muscular: "How?!?!"

Y/N: "This katana's blade is diamond coated. Diamond has the potential to cut even through metal. Meaning your puny muscles stand no chance against my sword."

He grits his teeth as a vein bulges from his forehead.

Muscular: "Asshole!!!!"

He rushes towards me. I take a deep breath getting ready. He delivers his attack. But I easily cut through it, my blade however doesn't stop. He comes to a stop. Looking over my shoulder I see his head fall onto the ground. I look at my katana smiling.

Y/N: "Thanks Akari."  

I put away my katana looking down at Kota.

Y/N: "You can open your eyes now."

He opens his eyes smiling. I then set him down putting my jacket on him.

Y/N: "Let's get you somewhere safe shall we?"

He holds my hand as we walk to the others. But as we do the hair on my neck tingles. I push Kota out of the way. This spares him from being scorched by blue fire. I scream as the world goes black.

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