A Promised Visit

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I awake from my trip down memory lane. Looking around I find myself in a hospital room. Tearing off the leads I hop off the bed. 

Y/N: "Time to be active."

I throw on a spare shirt and exit the room. But doing so I'm greeted by Mandalay. 

Mandalay: "Glad to see you awake."

Y/N: "How's Kota?"

Mandalay: "Come see for yourself."

We leave the hospital heading to her house. After about thirty minutes I arrive at small house. 

Y/N: "Impressive."

We walk inside.

Mandalay: "Kota, come here!"

I hear feet pattering down the hall. 

Kota: "What is- Y/N!!!"

He runs hugging my waist. I smile returning his hug. He looks up at me.

Kota: "I'm so happy you're here."

Mandalay: "Sit down. I'll get us something to drink."

I take a seat on the couch as Kota sits next to me.

Y/N: "So what've you been up to?"

Kota: "Attending school mostly. Hey I've got something to show you."

He makes a finger gun. Aiming it at a plant a small stream of water is fired into the pot.

Kota: "My quirk manifested."

Y/N: "That's great to hear."

He lowers his hand.

Koa: "Sadly it's kinda weak right now."

He looks down. I chuckle ruffling his hair.

Y/N: "Don't feel so bad. I was like you."

He looks at me.

Kota: "You were?"

Y/N: "Yeah. My quirk was total weak sauce."

Kota: "How'd you get better?"

Y/N: "I trained."

Kota: "So if I train then I'll be as good as you?"

Y/N: "I've kinda had a long time to train. But pour everything you've got into training and there's no telling what you'll be capable of."

He smiles. Mandalay then enters the room holding a tray of glasses.

Kota: "Oh, before I forget."

He runs down the hall. A couple seconds later he reappears holding my jacket.

Kota: "I held onto this. I even washed it for you."

I take my jacket. It's then I notice it looking nicer than ever.

Y/N: "Thanks Kota. This really means a lot."

Mandalay: "Have you told him your dream yet?"

Y/N: "What dream?"

He looks at me with a wide smile.

Kota: "When I grow up I wanna be a hero just like you."

I smile.

Y/N: "You've got a lot of work to do."

I reach into a spare pocket on my jacket. I withdraw a small patch.

Y/N: "Here."

He grabs it looking it over.

He grabs it looking it over

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Kota: "What is it?"

Y/N: "An old patch of mine. It's my good luck charm."

I velcro it to his hat.

Y/N: "And now it's yours."

He takes off his hat looking at his patch. He then smiles widely.

Kota: "I'll treasure this forever."

He hugs me.

Kota: "Thank you Y/N."

I smile.

Y/N: "You're welcome Kota."

Later that day I walk back to UA. But along the way I get a call. 

Y/N: "Nnnyyyyyeeeeesss?"

Nezu: "Y/N, it's principal Nezu."

Y/N: "What do you need?"

Nezu: "I have some business to discuss with you. Meet me when you can."

Y/N: "On my way now."

I hang up heading to Nezu's office. Entering I see him sitting on his couch sipping from a glass.

Nezu: "Please have a seat."

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