Giant Slayer

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I turn around and smile seeing every pro hero and hero in training.

Y/N: "You guys sure are a sore sight to see."

Deku: "So what're we up against?"

Nezu walks into view.

Nezu: "The Tartarus prisoners have escaped. At the moment they're a thousand strong. Possibly more."

Aizawa: "Then this makes it a war."

Edgeshot: "How do you wanna do this Y/N?"

Everyone looks at me.

Y/N: "You want my opinion?"

Endeavor: "Yeah. You hold the most experience with this kinda stuff."

Midnight: "Lead us."

I look at the sea of villains.

Y/N: "Okay. Their goal is likely to cause as much damage as possible. But their second goal would be to hit us where it hurts the most."

I point out.

Y/N: "UA staff, defend UA. All pro heroes cover the city. All heroes in training with considerable power help any pro hero. Those with quirks that aren't for combat will be in charge of civilian safety. That means rescue and evacuation. Alright you've got your roles. Now get to it!"

They all split up to do their roles. Meanwhile I look at my stomach which is just now healing.

Y/N: "My healing's still on the fritz. Meaning I'm limited by what I can do. I need to survive long enough to contain the situation. After that I can die."

Out of the blue a massive man rampages through the city. I sigh annoyedly.

Y/N: "It just had to be a giant."

I run and jump onto his leg. I then slowly climb up him until I reach his face.

Y/N: "Halt."

Man: "Puny bug!!!"

His hand comes in to crush me. I however jump impaling my katana into his chest. He smacks himself becoming angry.

Man: "Where'd you go!?!?!"

I activate my smoke coating my hand. Placing it on his skin his chest is eaten through.

Man: "That burns!!!!"

He thrashes trying to put out my smoke. I use this moment to withdraw a grappling gun. I jump firing the gun at his shoulder. I'm yanked to his back.

Y/N: "It's time for you to stop."

I swap my weapons for a massive sword that'll definitely do some damage.

Y/N: "Try this on for size."

I skewer his shoulder blades making him scream in pain. He frantically reaches around trying to pull out my sword. But his arms are too short. Seeing not other option he just takes off on all fours. I hold on for dear life as he tramples through Japan. 

Y/N: "Stop!!!"

I activate my smoke on the hand holding onto the sword. It travels through the sword directly into his body. He comes to a dead stop screaming like a banshee. The smoke exits his mouth as his body goes stiff. He finally falls onto his face.

Y/N: "Finally."

I hop onto the ground looking at the giant.

Y/N: "Guess I can add giant slayer to my list of accomplishments."

I laugh when I look at my surroundings. 

Y/N: "Okinawa?"

I become a little uneasy.

Y/N: "I should leave."

3rd POV

Y/N turns to leave when a gunshot rings out. A bullet flies hitting him in his leg. He falls onto the ground holding his wound. The culprit then makes themselves known.

Y/N: "Shigaraki."

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