Popping Surprise

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3rd POV

The Nomu begins squeezing. Immediately Y/N screams as his bones are slowly compressed. His screams echo throughout the USJ catching everyone's attention. 

Mina: "Help him Thirteen!!!!"

Thirteen: "My job is to make sure nothing happens to you kids."

Deku: "That includes Y/N!!!"

A group of them try to interfere when Kuroguri spreads his body encircling them.

Kuroguri: "You're not going anywhere."

Bakugo: "Out of my way!!!"

He fires a blast. It's however consumed into Kuroguri's body.

Kuroguri: "Nice try. Now watch as your friend has his life squeezed out of him."

Back at Y/N the Nomu tightens its grip. This makes several cracks be heard. Going inside Y/N's body. His shoulder are broken out of their socket. His spine is twisted out of place as his ribs are slowly crushed in half.

Blood leaks from his mouth as his organs now begin bursting. The vessels in his eyes burst making his eyes fill with blood. Everyone can only watch as Y/N is squeezed to death. 

Shigaraki: "Nomu. Time you ended him."

The Nomu squawks fully applying all of its strength. Y/N emits a screech as his head is popped like a grape. Blood sprays everywhere as the girls scream in horror. The Nomu drops Y/N's mangled and twisted body.

Aizawa: "Bastards!!!!"

He tries to attack but has his face grabbed by the Nomu.

Shigaraki: "Now it's your turn."


I float in the black void crossing my arms.

Y/N: "Can't believe I went out like that."

I sigh closing my eyes.

Voice: "Y/N."

I gasp as all my vigor leaves me.

Y/N: "Please god. Don't let this be happening."

I slowly turn around. The moment I lock eyes with her I begin crying.

 The moment I lock eyes with her I begin crying

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Y/N: "You're not supposed to be here."

Woman: "What're talking about Y/N? I'm always supposed to be here."

Y/N: "No. You're nothing but a ghost. A symbol of what once was."

She begins crying.

Woman: "Why're you being so mean Y/N?!?!"

I close my eyes.

Y/N: "Go away."

I open my eyes. But to no one's surprise I see a world on fire. I drop to my knees as planes buzz overhead. I look forward to see that woman now covered in blood and littered with wounds.

Woman: "You can't ever run Y/N. You'll always be haunted."

I cover my ears and close my eyes.

Y/N: "Leave me alone."

Anger now fills my body as her voice echoes in my head.

Y/N: "Go away!!!!!"

The world goes up in light as I scream in fury.

3rd POV

With Aizawa we see him at the mercy of the Nomu. To make matters worse Shigaraki is a centimeter away from turning Tsuyu to dust.

Denki: "Look!"

Everyone looks seeing Y/N's body snapping itself back to normal. The sounds alone make some of the villains lose their lunch. His body then stands up before grabbing its neck thrashing. What follows is his head slowly regrowing itself layer by layer. 

Momo: "I'm gonna be sick."

Todoroki: "I already am."

Near the end Y/N's eyes bulge into creation as he emits a deep pained sigh. He slowly rotates his neck letting out several cracks and crunches. He looks at Shigaraki with no emotion behind his eyes.

Y/N: "That wasn't very nice."

Everyone becomes scared. Despite his head being popped his tone of voice is calm borderline emotionless.

Shigaraki: "Kill him Nomu."

The Nomu remains frozen.

Shigaraki: "I said, kill him."

It roars running towards Y/N. It brings down its fist. But to everyone's shock it's easily caught. The Nomu whimpers as Y/N flashes a very scary smile.

Y/N: "You hurt me. Time I got even."

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