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The next day I snore when I have a coffee mug tossed at my face.

Y/N: "The fuck was that for?!?"

Aizawa: "I was in the middle of a speech."

He clears his throat.

Aizawa: "As I was saying today's training is gonna be different. You'll have three teachers consisting of All Might, another hero as well as myself."

Tails: "What'll we be doing?"

I giggle.

Aizawa: "Rescue. Shipwrecks, landslides, things of that nature."

Sparky: "Sounds like we'll have our work cut out for us."

Aizawa: "What you wear is up to your liking. The location we're heading to is top secret so we'll be taking a bus. Start getting ready."

Later that day I hop off the bus seeing a rather large building.

Y/N: "Now that's a building."

Voice: "You like it?"

We all look seeing an astronaut like person.

Green boy: "It's rescue hero thirteen."

Y/N: "I thought she was bald. Do you have telekinetic powers?"

Thirteen: "I think you have me confused with someone else."

I look at you.

Y/N: "I think we all know who we're referring to."

I smile.

Students: "Who're you talking to?"

Y/N: "Last name janus, first name hugh."

They all tilt their heads as I wink at you.

Thirteen: "Anyway. Onto the building. This facility simulates shipwrecks, landslides, wild fires and everything in between. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

Aizawa: "Speaking of."

I sigh holding out two joints.

Aizawa: "Thanks."

He puts them in his pocket as we head inside. 

Aizawa: "Well the clock's ticking so let's get started."

Thirteen: "Okay. But before we begin I'd like to say one thing. Maybe two. Possibly three. Or four."

Y/N: "If you don't shut up I'll punch your face in."

They sweat through their suit.

Thirteen: "As you know my quirk is called black hole. It allows me to suck up anything and turn it to dust."

Y/N: "Some people might find that hot."

I raise my eyebrows twice.

Thirteen: "Glossing over. It can easily be used to kill. Some of you might also have quirks that can quickly become dangerous."

I look down.

Thirteen: "Try not to lose focus when using your quirk because they can quickly become deadly. Even if you're trying to help someone. But thanks to All Might and Aizawa you should have a good grasp on how to handle your quirk. Carry those lessons to this class. That's all I have to say."

Aizawa: "Alright. Now let's-"

The lights flicker. Looking down the stairs I see dozens upon dozens walking through a portal. A giant hulking bird and a dude with hands all of him walk through.

Glasses: "Are they part of the training?"

Aizawa: "No. Those're real villains."

They all back fearful.

Aizawa: "Y/N, you're with me. Thirteen, make sure these kids stay safe."

Thirteen: "Will do."

I stand beside Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Ready kid?"

Y/N: "Born ready."

I leap down slamming a villain into the ground. A man with cannons for fingers aims them at me. I brace as bullets are fired. My clothes and skin are torn open releasing blood. I slightly crouch down smiling.

Y/N: "My turn."

Digging into a portion of my quirk my wounds are scorched shut as I explode towards the villains. I grab the throat of one slamming them into the ground. Looking to the side I toss a dagger hitting another villain in their knee. 

Rolling backwards allows me to dodge four legs. Summing an axe I embed it in their shoulder. A woman attaches a web to my chest as a hulked out villain spins me around. Acting quick I sever the line with a kunai. My final move is several ninja stars hitting the the necks of the villains. 

Y/N: "Too easy."

I smile when that hulking bird wraps its big arms around me. 

Hands: "Make him suffer."

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