Battle Center A

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One robot brings down its fist. Backflipping allows me to dodge its attack. Now in the clear I withdraw a submachine gun firing at it's face. 

Its head is blown up as another zips towards me using its treads to crush me. I however roll out of the way. I swap the machine gun to a mallet. The robot tilts its head. 

Y/N: "I'm a grower not a shower."

I press a trigger on the handle. A massive boxing glove springs out. It goes straight through it's chest punching out its core. I smile spinning the hammer.

Y/N: "Didn't stand a chance."

My gloating allows a third robot to swing its arm swatting me into a building. I enter as the building comes down on me. The robot whirs mockingly as I crawl out of the rubble. I look at my coat getting angry.

Y/N: "This' a vintage asshole!!! It cost me a fortune!!!"

I spin the hammer into a bazooka. Putting the robot into the cross hairs it shakes its shoulders in a laughing manner. I smile pressing a small red button. The bazooka opens up revealing seven additional big ass rockets.

Y/N: "Goodbye."

I pull the trigger launching all the rockets. The resulting explosion levels an entire city block.

Man: *speaker* "That's excessive violence."

Y/N: "Oh bite me. This' a mock battle. Rules don't apply."

Man: "Just keep the damage to a minimum."

Y/N: "No guarantees!"

I put away my BFG as a scream fills the air. Running to the location I see pinky struggling with three robots. One aims a cannon as a blast of light is charged up.

Y/N: "Finally, a sweet end!!"

I swan dive in front of the blast. It hits my chest going fully through me. I smile as my body is driven through several buildings.

3rd POV

All the students watch in horror as Y/N is impaled by a beam. This makes a buzzer go off.

Present Mic: "All battle center A students please leave the area."

They're escorted out of the area as several teachers walk to the site of the tragedy.

Snipe: "Why would he jump in front of the attack?"

Cementoss: "I don't know."

They walk to where he landed. But they all become shocked.

Midnight: "Where's the body?"

Ectoplasm: "He should be right here."

Voice: "Say what're we doin?"

They turn and go wide eyed seeing Y/N.


The teachers stare at me wide eyed.

Y/N: "What?"

Concrete: "You should be dead."

Y/N: "I'm dead on the inside. Does that count?"

Metal Ghost: "We saw that beam go through your chest."

Y/N: "Did you?"

I look at my exposed chest.

McCree Wannabe: "There's no damage."

Dommy Mommy: "What's going on here?"

I walk to her. I then lean close making her blush.

Y/N: "Magic my dear sweet baby momma."

Her cheeks explode red as she adverts her gaze. I walk away without saying another word. 

3rd POV

Y/N walks away. Panning down we see a hole in his clothes where the beam hit him. But his skin in fully intact with no scars to be seen. 


I strip down to my underwear and flop onto my bed. But the second I close my eyes there's a knock on my door.

Y/N: "Fucking damnit!"

I march to my front door. I throw it open.

Y/N: "What?"

Woman: "Mail for you."

I take my package looking it over.

Y/N: "Thanks Kori."

Kori: "No problem. But next time could you not be in your underwear?"

Y/N: "Oh please. It's nothing you haven't seen before."

Her face explodes red.

Kori: "It was just once."

Y/N: "False. It was five times. The last time we were both drunk."

I turn around smiling. 

Y/N: "Say hi to Beth for me."

I can practically feel her embarrassment. 

Kori: "Leave my birthmark out of this!!!!"

I laugh as she stomps away. 

Y/N: "Now let's see who this' from."

I look at the stamp.

Y/N: "UA Academy. Of course."

I press the object as I hear a muffled voice.

All Might: "Congrats to you, Y/N L/N. You've-"

I toss the package into the trash.

Y/N: "Of course I made it. I'm me after all."

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