Entrance Exam

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Some time later I enter UA. As I take my seat I'm spoken to by some boy.

Boy: "Aren't you a little old to attend UA?"

I aim a pistol at him.

Boy: "You brought a gun!?!"

Y/N: "Well duh."

Boy: "You're a psychopath!"

Y/N: "Am I though? I mean this is a school filled with people with quirks. For all we know someone here could be able to turn themselves into a bomb."

Boy: "That doesn't give you an excuse to bring a gun to school!"

I sigh pulling the trigger. He screams bloody murder. But I laugh as a flag comes out with the word bang on it.

Y/N: "Got you."

Boy: "Asshole!!!"

Y/N: "I am what I eat."

Boy: "Something's wrong with you."

Y/N: "Isn't something wrong with all of us?"

Man: "Alright cool your jets because it's time to get down to business. How you doin UA dudes and dudettes? Can I get a shout!?!?!"

There's nothing but silence. 

Man: "Staying reserved, I dig it. Let's go over how this exam will go down. Are you ready!?!?!"

Y/N: "No captain!!!!"

Man: "As your application says you'll all be competing in two minute mock battles. When I get done here you'll head to your designated battle centers. That sound good?"

I look at my application.

Y/N: "Alright battle center A! That means I'm the best!"

Man: "Now let's go over your targets shall we? There's three types of fake villains per battle center. Your points will be based on the number posted on the robot you fight. But it'll be wise to keep things professional. That means not attacking fellow UA students."

Glasses: "I have a question sir."

Y/N: "Aw shit here we go. Cue the rule stickler."

Man: "What's your question?"

Glasses: "Our application clearly states that there's four types of villain yet you only mentioned three. If this' a mistake on UA then it's shameful. We're top students who expect only the best from Japan's top hero school. I-"

Y/N: "Sit your ass down four eyes!! If you don't then I'll shove your head so far up your ass your great great grandkids will talk shit."

He sits down.

Glasses: *meekly* "It was just a question."

Man: "Now now he's got a point. There are four types of fake villains. But the fourth type is worth a total of zero points. It'll be wise to just avoid them. They're not difficult it's just there's no point in fighting them."

He clears his throat.

Man: "Now that that's all cleared up I want all of you to head to your specific battle center. Get ready to go plus ultra!!!!"

Y/N: "That's not annoying at all."

I stand outside my battle center limbering up. As I stretch my legs a girl with pink skin walks to me.

Pinky: "What're you doing?"

Y/N: "Rule number eighteen, always limber up."

Pinky: "Kinda stupid."

Y/N: "Say what you want. But a pulled hamstring is no laughing matter."

Pinky: "Huh. Guess it wouldn't hurt to stretch then."

She stretches with me. Pretty soon everyone's limbering up.

Man: *speaker* "What're you kids doing?"

I exhale lowering my leg.

Y/N: "It's always good to stretch before doing anything physical."

Man "Y'all are wasting time."

Y/N: "Fuck stretching then!!!"

I take off running into the battle center. Immediately I come across six robots tagged with a three.

Y/N: "Aw, an ambush for little old me?"

They whir angerly.

Y/N: "Bring it on!!!!"

They all rush at me. I smile like a madman.

Y/N:" Oh what a lovely day to die!!!!"

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