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I teak a seat across from him getting comfy.

Y/N: "What'd you wanna talk about?"

Nezu: "As of late I've been getting reports of a stray child wandering the streets."

I lean forward.

Y/N: "How long?"

Nezu: "At least two weeks."

Y/N: "Why wasn't I made aware of this sooner?"

Nezu: "We have reason to believe she is connected to a villain."

He makes a projection. 

Nezu: "For the past month we've been trying to keep tabs on a individual known as Overhaul."

Y/N: "Dumbass name."

Nezu: "I can assure you. He's far from that. He's the current leader of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza. Not much is known about him other than he's been labeled extremely dangerous. We have reports saying he's been experimenting on the child."

My fists clench making my knuckles turn white.

Y/N: "Where can I find him?"

Nezu: "He's been spotted skulking around downtown. Given your... unique... ability you stand the highest chance of getting close to him. If you can I want you to apprehend him so we can question him."

He gets serious.

Nezu: "Hear me when I say we want him alive. Unbroken is also required."

I stand up walking out.

Y/N: "If he attacks first I can't guarantee him being unbroken. He might be hauled in on a stretcher."

Nezu: "I mean it Y/N. We need him in top shape so we can extract answers from him."

Y/N: "I'll think about going easy."

I walk out of UA into downtown. Along the way I think aloud.

Y/N: "Experimenting on a poor child. Makes me furious. I oughta break his neck."

My thoughts cloud my senses making me bump into someone. Looking down I see something that makes a vein pop out.

Overhaul: "Watch where you're going."

I grab his neck dragging him to an alley. I then slam his back onto the wall.

Y/N: "Where's the child?"

He attempts a right hook. I however catch it. He smiles grabbing my hand. My hand shatters into nothingness. Unfazed a new one springs into creation. This makes the color leave Overhaul's body.

Y/N: "I'll ask again. Where's, the, child?"

Overhaul: "I'm not telling you anything."

I grit my teeth. But I angerly sigh punching him out cold.

Y/N: "Bastard."

I drag him to the local police station. Entering I toss Overhaul into a cell making his back collide into the bars. I turn to the police chief.

Y/N: "Call Nezu and tell him to get his and All Might's ass down here now. Before I kill this ant."

I point to the unconscious Overhaul. 

Y/N: "And put some dampening cuffs on him. He has the ability to break down anything he touches."

They remained stunned.

Y/N: "Now!"

They scramble doing what I told them. Meanwhile my anger begins to make the past resurface. I cover my ears while closing my eyes. I then hear her voice.

Woman: "I love you Y/N. More than you could ever know."

Y/N: "Shut up."

Man: "Kill him! He's just a man!!!"

Y/N: "Shut up!"

Y/N: "I'll kill all of you!!!"

Y/N: "Stop it!"

I hear plane roaring. Explosions then fill my head. Screaming and sirens follow closely behind.

Woman: "You failed me Y/N."

I open my eyes.

Y/N: "Shut up!!!!"

I scream angerly running towards the wall. Lowering my head I slam headfirst into the wall. My head is smashed crushing in my brain. I fall onto my back as blood fills my head. Everything is silenced by the sweet release of death.

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