Bus Ride To Camp

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Some time later I sit on a bus looking out the window. I'm then called out by a student.

Tsuyu: "Can I ask you a question Y/N?"

Y/N: "What?"

Tsuyu: "Why do you have a teddy bear strapped to your waist?"

I unhook it looking it over.

Y/N: "It's a reminder."

Mina: "For what?"

Y/N: "A past life. Every time I look at it I get reminded of what I was before everything went downhill."

Jiro: "What were you?"

Y/N: "A mortal man with a single dream. To start a family and try to live past what I had done previously."

Ojiro: "Was it really that bad?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I killed simply because I was fighting what I believed was right. But one day I was shown the truth."

Momo: "What was the truth?"

Y/N: "That what I was fighting for was a joke. We destroyed families because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I saw that we were no different than the people we were fighting. In the end we all did things in the name of peace. But peace is just a fantasy. So long as there's power to grab. There'll always be wars."

Aizawa: "We're here."

We exit the bus coming to a cliff. 

Kirishima: "This doesn't look much like a rest area."

Aizawa: "Do you really think we stopped just so you could stretch your legs?"

A car then pulls up. Two women exit it.

Y/N: "Sexy kitty cats."

Aizawa: "Hello Mandalay, Pixie-Bob. Now that you're here we can go over the mission."

Mandalay: "Right. We own this entire stretch of land. The summer camp you'll be staying at is at the base of this mountain."

Pixie-Bob: "The current time is nine thirty A.M. If you hurry you might be able to make it by noon."

Y/N: *takes photos* "Right. Or we could just make the drive. It seems quicker."

Pixie-Bob: "Why're you taking pictures of my ass?!?!?!?"

Y/N: "Research purposes."

I lower her skirt when I get jack slapped into the dirt. Meanwhile the students jump heading towards the summer camp. As I get up I notice the look the other girl's giving me.

Y/N: "I know that look."

I raise my eyebrows twice.

3rd POV

Near the end of the day class 1A trudge out of the woods showing extreme levels of exhaustion. 

Deku: "I can't feel my shoulder."

Denki: *derp* "We did it guys."

Giggling fills the air. Looking forward their jaws drop seeing Y/N, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob laying on a lawn chair in nothing but their underwear. Y/N lowers his glasses smiling.

Y/N: "Bout time you guys got here."

Sato: "How'd you get here before us?"

Y/N: "Well you see these lovely ladies gave me a ride. While we were waiting we kinda got bored and... well... you can tell."

Mineta: "Why're you so lucky?!?!"

He cries tears of blood as jealousy consumes him.

Y/N: "I've just got someone giving me all of this."

He winks at you. 


Deku: "Who's kid is that?"

I look seeing a small boy.

Mandalay: "That's my cousin Kota."

Deku: "Nice to meet you."

He's immediately punched in his giblets. I walk to the kid looking down at him. He becomes scared. He then looks down in regret.

Kota: "I'm sorry."

Y/N: "Tell that to him."

I point to Deku who's in the fetal position on his side holding his nuggets. Meanwhile Uraraka tries her best to talk him through the pain. Kota makes his way to Deku.

Kota: "I'm sorry."

Deku: *in severe pain* "Water under the bridge."

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