Merry Christmas

39 1 0

3rd POV

Uraraka sits on Y/N's lap.

Y/N: "What is it you want for christmas?"

Uraraka: "I want everyone to stay safe in the new year."

Y/N: "Your wish is granted."

She gets off as Bakugo takes her place.

Bakugo: "I want-"

A knife is placed near his stomach.

Y/N: "Santa ain't above shanking you. So be cheery or you'll become really holey."

He groans angerly.

Bakugo: "I want an improved gauntlet for my costume."

Y/N: "Wish granted."

He gets up as the knife is put away. Student after student speak their wish. The last is Eri. 

Y/N: "What do you want for christmas?"

She thinks.

Eri: "I want my dad to always be there. I know he said he would but I can't help but worry. Can you make it so he's around for a real long time?"

He smiles.

Y/N: "There's no need. Because I know for sure he'll be here for all eternity."

She smiles. She then hugs him tightly.

Eri: "Thank you santa."

He returns her hug.

Y/N: "You're welcome Eri."

They continue to hug while everyone tries their best to hold but their tears. 


I awaken to something patting my face.

Eri: "Wake up Y/N. It's snowing."

I throw on my clothes. Once Eri's bundled up we head outside. From there we encounter the rest of class 1A.

Deku: "Hey Y/N, Eri."

Eri: "Hello."

Kirishima: "Let's have fun!!!!"

We engage in an all out snowball fight. I grab Eri and run us behind cover. With all my speed I quickly make us an impressive snow castle. I make us a supply of snowballs when I look at Eri.

Y/N: "How we lookin?"

She looks around the battlefield with aid from binoculars.

Eri: "Nothing so far. They must be hiding."

Y/N: "Then it's a game of cat and mouse."

Kirishima: "Surprise sneak attack!!!"

I pull Eri out of danger as Kirishima brings down a massive snowball. As he misses I pelt him with a snowball.

Y/N: "The point of a sneak attack it to be sneaky. You don't yell attack."

Eri: "Look out!!"

I limbo as Sato and Koda toss a snowball. Snatching two snowballs I take them out.

Sato: "Dang."

Koda: "We lost."

Todoroki: "Fire!!"

My base rumbles. Pulling Eri close I hold her as we're rocked. Peeking over cover I see Ojiro, Todoroki and Momo launching a barrage of snowballs. 

Todoroki: "Reload!"

Y/N: "Ready?"

Eri: "Ready."

I strap her to my back with my jacket. While she holds our ammo I hop out of cover rushing towards the enemies.

Todoroki: "He's on the move!!"

Ojiro stuffs a cannon with a snowball as Momo aims it.

Todoroki: "Fire!!!"

The massive snowball is launched heading right for me. I brace myself holding out my arms. The snowball hits my arms instantly shattering my bones. I then start getting pushed across the battlefield. 

Eri: "Come on Y/N, you can do it!!!"

My arms heal themselves. Now's my chance. I reel the snowball back.

Y/N: "Take this!!!"

I power scream launching the snowball at its senders.

T/M/O: "Ah crap."

The snowball hits them taking all three out. 

Uraraka: "Second battalion, attack!!!"

Looking at the hill I see Iida, Mina, Seto, and Mineta running towards me. 

Y/N: "Ammo." 

Eri: "Here you go."

I smile as my opponents rush in for the attack. Like an expert dancer I duck and weave through their snowball attacks. Immediately after the dodge I tag them out with snowballs.

Mineta: "So cold."

Uraraka: "Third battalion!!"

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