Class Rep

129 1 1

3rd POV

As everyone has lunch we see principal Nezu making his way to his office with All Might. 

Nezu: "What're your thoughts on Y/N L/N?"

All Might: "I think he's alright. Sometimes he speaks utter nonsense. Plus there's something kinda off about him."

Nezu: "Explain."

All Might: "I mean when we first met his used his body to stop a speeding van. When he got up there wasn't a single scratch on him. What's more weird is the mere fact that he survived. An impact like should've been been an instant death. Yet he walked away like nothing even happened."

Nezu: "That is strange. Perhaps we should keep our eye on him."

All Might: "Agreed. Say while we're on the subject. What're we gonna do about Hizashi? As of late he's been off. Why just yesterday I-"

They stop hearing cluttering inside principal Nezu's office.

All Might: "Were you expecting company?"

Nezu: "No."

They get ready for a fight. But the second they kick open the door their eyes go wide.


I look up to see All Might and Nezu staring at me.

Y/N: "Hello there."

All Might: "What're you doing?"

Y/N: "Not what, who."

Voice: "I didn't give you permission to stop mister."

Y/N: "We've got company."

She looks going wide eyed.

All Might: "Midnight?"

Midnight: "This isn't what it looks like."

Y/N: "Actually it is exactly what it looks like."

Nezu: "I only have one question. Why my office?"

Y/N: "It was the only place with guaranteed privacy."

All Might: "Have you no shame?"

Y/N: "Nope."

Midnight: "This' so embarrassing."

Nezu: "Well we won't disturb you any longer."

He practically shoves All Might out of the room. I look down as Midnight looks over her shoulder at me. She then smiles wiggling her ass.

Midnight: "Now that that's over. Let's get back to it~"

Y/N: "Nah. They ruined the mood."

I pull out getting dressed. I reach for the knob when she speaks.

Midnight: "What about me? I can't just quit like that."

Y/N: "Use Tommy."

She blushes avoiding eye contact.

Midnight: "I should've never told you about that."

I smile heading back to class. Sitting down some green haired dweeb and pony tail girl stand in front of us. 

Aizawa: "These're your class representatives. Let's-"

Green Boi: "Hold on, I have something to say. I believe Iida should replace me as class representative. He showed great leadership during the breach."

Y/N: "There was a breach?"

Frogger: "Yeah. Where were you?"

I smile and giggle to myself.

Iida: "If Deku volunteers me then I shall gladly accept this role. I promise to uphold my duties to the best of my abilities."

Aizawa: "Whatever. I'm taking a nap."

Y/N: "You want some dope?"

Aizawa: "You got anything good?"

I pull the side of my jacket open revealing dozens of strands.

Y/N: "Whatcha feeling today?"

Four arms: "Great. We have a drug dealer in our class."

Y/N: "Bitch weed is fucking awesome. Hell I saw it relax a man with severe parkinsons."

Half and half: "He's right. It has been proven to have medical benefits."

Tails: "I can vouch. My uncle has MS. Weed has helped eased his pain by a thousand percent."

Hawkman: "Too bad it's illegal in Japan."

Y/N: "That's a fucking shame right there. I believe everyone should be able to use weed."

I smile.

Y/N: "Like now."

I pull out a remote.

Pretty boy: "He's got a bomb!!!!"

I press the button. But instead of an explosion the sprinklers release smoke. I inhale deeply immediately getting stoned. I look at the other students seeing them fighting for their life.

Sparky: "It feels like I'm getting choked out!!!!"

I see everyone but Aizawa agree.

Aizawa/Y/N: "Fucking lightweights."

They continue to cough their lungs out when eventually their eyes droop and they slouch.

Big Boy: "God I'm hungry."

Mr Red: "Mister Aizawa can we go to lunch?"

Aizawa: "You just came from lunch."

Y/N: "Oh come on. You never deny a stoner food."

I put my foot on my desk and point.

Y/N: "To the cafeteria!!!"

I lead a herd of very stoned students to the cafeteria. When I get there I see all the other classes there too.

Y/N: "Aw shit."

Aizawa: "What?"

Y/N: "I forgot I rigged the weed bomb to the entire school and not just our classroom."

Green Boi: "Meaning?"

Y/N: "Everyone at UA is high as shit!"

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