Snow War

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I dive behind a tree as a storm of snowballs rain down on me.

Y/N: "Eyes?"

She turns around looking out.

Eri: "Jiro's jacked into the ground.

Y/N: "Meaning she's got a lock on our location. What else?"

Eri: "Denki, Shoji and Yuga are launching snowballs."

Y/N: "There should be one more."

Tokoyami: "I'm right here."

Dark Shadow: "Have some of this!!!"

I hop into the tree dodging dark shadow's hand of snow.

Dark Shadow: "Get back here!"

Y/N: "Eri, suppressive fire."

She nods readying snowballs. As I leap to another branch she tosses a snowball. As expected he goes to another branch making me smile.

Y/N: "You suck as a shadow you know."

Dark Shadow: "Say that to my face!"

Tokoyami: "Dark Shadow wait!"

I scramble from branch to branch as Eri tosses snowballs. All the while I keep insulting Dark Shadow making him angrier and angrier. When the time's right I hop to the floor crossing my arms.

Dark Shadow: "I've got you now!!!"

I smile as he rushes for me. But his snowball comes an inch shy of me.

Dark Shadow: "What?!?"

He looks to see his tail tangled in the tree branches.

Y/N: "You need to be more mindful of your tail end."

I tag them both out with a snowball.

Eri: "We're out of ammo."

Y/N: "Great."

Shoji: "He's out, attack!!!"

I clench my fists as they run at me. Shoji brings down his snowball. I however fall onto my side dodging his attack. Now clear I kick his hand making him smack himself with his own snowball.

Y/N: "That's one."

I rush towards Denki as he smiles.

Denki: "Take this!!"

I slide as he launches a storm of snowballs with aid of electricity.

Denki: "Crap."

I take out his legs before snatching one of his snowballs and tagging him out. 

Yuga: "I've got you now."

He fires his naval laser rocketing himself towards me. I smile rolling forward.

Yuga: "Merde."

He slams into Jiro taking them both out. I toss two of Denki's snowballs taking them out.

Uraraka: "Bring down the hammer!!"

Looking to the heavens I see Bakugo and Deku bringing down boulder sized snowballs.

Bakugo/Deku: "Here comes the thunder!!!"

I leap back as their snowballs hit the ground rocking it. 

Y/N: "That was close."

Bakugo: "We're not done yet!"

I now go on the defensive ducking and weaving through their attacks.

Deku: "We've got him now."

Bakugo: "Shut up and focus."

I smile.

Y/N: "You know if I recall I heard Deku talking smack about you behind your back."

The look on his face is pure fury.

Bakugo: "What!?!?!"

Y/N: "Yeah. He said he could easily take you in a fight. He also said you're as menacing as a toothless puppy."

Multiple veins pop out of head.

Bakugo: "You what?"

Deku: "He's lying! He's trying to turn us against each other!"

Bakugo: "Damn nerd! I'll show you menacing!!!!!"

They begin fighting each other. Now in the clear I casually walk up to Uraraka.

Y/N: "You're now without an army."

I lightly tap her shoulder with a snowball.

Y/N: "And with that I've won this snowball war."

I turn to the still fighting Bakugo and Deku.

Y/N: "I was just joking about what Deku said. I was the one who said all that."

Wrath practically explodes offa him.

Bakugo: "You'll pay!!!!!"

Later that I put a blanket over Eri who's watching a christmas movie while sipping hot chocolate.

Eri: "I had fun today."

I take a seat next to her.

Y/N: "I'm glad to hear it."

She tugs me sleeve. Looking I see a pleading look on her face.

Eri: "Do you think... we can do it again next year?"

I smile ruffling her hair.

Y/N: "Of course."


In the darkest part of Musutafu we see a certain villain conversing with a mad scientist.

Shigaraki: "You sure this'll kill him?"

Scientist: "I don't know. I've never encountered a quirk like his. He's truly a one of a kind."

Shigaraki picks up the small bullet looking it over.

Scientist: "What's you interest in him anyway?"

Shigaraki: "I saw my master crumble in his presence. He talked about him like he was some kinda god. After their fight the world began to believe in him. They saw him as this indestructible hero. They share the thought of him being a god."

He grips the bullet walking away.

Shigaraki: "I wanna show the world that that's not the case. I want the world to see that he's mortal. I want the world to watch god bleed."

A/N: "How would you guys feel if Y/N be made mortal?

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