All For One

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3rd POV

The fire subsides. The League of Villains then appear. 

Dabi: "That was kinda easy."

Mr. Compress: "Keep your guard up. It won't be long until he gets back up."

Twice grabs the burned body of Y/N. 

Toga: "What do we do about the kid?"

They all look at him making him scared.

Dabi: *produces flame* "I vote we kill him."

Kuroguri: "No. Our goal was Y/N. We have him. Let's leave before anyone troublesome shows up."

They leave through his portal. When the portal disappears Kota is left all alone.

Kota: "Gotta find someone."

He takes off running.

*couple minutes later*

We enter a police station to find All Might and some other heroes conversing with the police.

Best Jeanist: "This' a suicide mission."

Gran Torino: "Agreed. We're all aware of this person's ability."

Endeavor: "He should be able to handle himself."

Gang Orca: "Come on guys. We're heroes. It's our job to save people. No matter how much they seem like they can handle themselves."

Edgeshot: "Noted. But let's not forget who we're going up against."

They all look at a photo of a man in a weird mask with one eye slot.

Woods: "All For One. The greatest villain of all time."

Voice: "Excuse me."

All Might looks down seeing Kota. He squats down to his level.

Kota: "You're gonna save him, right?"

He smiles ruffling his hair.

All Might: "Of course we are. That's what heroes do."

Kota smiles.


My eyes finally open as I emit a long groan.

Y/N: "Alright. Who shot me with fire?"

I scan the area.

Y/N: "You."

I flick my hand sending a dagger into his knee. He screams falling into his back.

Y/N: "Cool the fire Freddy Krueger."

Voice: "It's been awhile hasn't it, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I know that voice."

He sits down.

Y/N: "Why am I not surprised? But I must admit. I'd never thought I'd see you again. All For One. How's the missing eye?"

He holds it showing pain.

AFO: "I still have nightmares of that day."

Y/N: "Right now is when I wish I got both."

Shigaraki: "Did I miss something master?"

I smile breaking my restraints. I can practically smell the fear coming off All For One.

Y/N: "So he's your apprentice?"

AFO: "Correct."

I look at him.

Y/N: "To answer your question. I sought him for help. Since my quirk's too intertwined to be removed I asked if he could find a way to bypass it. When that went tits up I took his eye as a souvenir. It's by my nightstand by the way."

I sigh. 

Y/N: "So. Shall I leave before or after I kill you?"

Twice: "This guy's a fool if he thinks he can kill you."

They all laugh. Except All For One. This ceases their laughter.

AFO: "Do not jest in front of Y/N. He could kill us all."

Toga: "Won't he just tire himself out from fighting all of us?"

AFO: "It doesn't matter how many of you there are. Y/N is immortal. Tired isn't even a factor. If you fight it'll be like sending lambs to the slaughter."

I smile as they lose some color.

Y/N: "I'll ask again."

I lean forward in my seat.

Y/N: "Am I gonna leave before, or after I kill you?"

I look eyes with All For One.

Y/N: "But we already know the answer. Don't we?"

AFO: "There's no other way."

I smile as All For One relaxes accepting his fate.

AFO: "Kuroguri. Take the others and leave."

Kuroguri: "But-"

AFO: "But nothing. Leave. Now."

He teleports the others away.

Y/N: "You know they'll never succeed. It's only a matter of time before I kill them."

AFO: "I know. I just want them to have a head start."

Y/N: "You're a good man All For One. I just wish it didn't come to this."

AFO: "Me too."

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