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Fred's POV:
George and I have a huge problem we are in love with the adorable Neville and we don't wanna have to let the other have him so neither of us wants to confess to him and ruin the other but we also know that he lets both of us flirt with him and spend time with him as well as both of us together so maybe there is a chance but it's if he wants both and he hasn't mixed us up. So George and I promised we'd tell him today but neither of us wanted to hurt the other. Currently, we are standing in front of the great hall where Neville told us to meet so we could go to the clearing in the forest as he was to find a few plants so we agreed. We saw him coming up to us and grabbing both of our hands to leave and I could see that he wanted both and not just one which meant there was a chance he could accept our offer but it fully depended on him as me and George don't mind sharing we've shared all our lives we love each other and we don't care if we have to share our partners. As we walked through the forest to a clearing we saw Moon roses, dawn lilies that hadn't blossomed yet, Belladonna, Aconite and many more poisonous flowers. As he walked towards the Belladonna I pulled back. "Nev they're poisonous and we don't have any equipment," I stated and he looked at me in shock. "Oh I didn't tell you did I?" He asked and I looked at George who was as confused as I was. "I'm a nature elf which means nature cannot hurt me not even poisonous flowers it's why I love herbology so much as that is what my instincts state." He explained and we looked at him and smiled. "Okay, what else is an instinct or perk of a nature elf," George questioned and Neville looked a little excited to tell. "Well I can control nature so make trees grow, I can heal animals I can understand them too and I have two mates as a nature elf we are more powerful than many." He finished and I looked and George and I could tell he felt the same as me Nev has destined mates that aren't us so we have to let go as his mates won't be two ordinary wizards. "So you found your mates yet?" I questioned as I knew if we didn't continue then he'd get worried. "Yeah they are twins and handsome though they are oblivious when it comes to me dropping hints I know they like me but they don't think that they both can have me which sucks." He told us and we nodded. "Do we know them maybe we can help," George told him and he smiled. "Kinda they go to Hogwarts and are two purebloods like me though I'm not sure if you can help since I've already tried and they don't seem to get the hint." He explained and we looked at each other. "Are they in your year or not?" I questioned and he looked at us and rolled his eyes. "Above they are older than me and I don't know how to tell them as mates are unique and have different qualities once I find mine we will be able to complete the mark and bond. Before you ask the mark is your mate biting the joint between your neck and shoulder and it creates an unbreakable bond that you can feel what they feel. Then the mating is being intimate with them which I wouldn't mind doing immediately but I know they aren't creatures so they'll need time." He explained and George looked at me and then back at him. "Why not just tell them straight up how it is or if you are too shy write them a letter they will have time to process then they can go find you wherever you are," I told him and he looked at me like I was a genius and I just smiled at him. "That's perfect I've been stressing over nothing I'll go grab the belladonna and moon roses then we can head back and I'll write the letter. Thank you both so much your the best!" He exclaimed running over grabbing the flowers and putting them in his bag before running back to us and we all returned to the castle where he ran straight to his room. I felt kinda bummed as I just helped my crush ask out someone but it's his eternal partners so I can't keep him. George and I have been in our room since we came back not sulking but more trying not to be upset at the fact our crush likes someone else.
~Time Skip~
•Breakfast Next Day•
George and I were sitting eating breakfast joking like usual trying to keep our minds off things when the owls came in there was one that landed in front of us and I untied it and looked at the writing which had been disguised so we won't know who it's from which we refuse to do in the great hall because everyone wants in our business. So I put it in my robes until we returned to our dorms after breakfast and I pulled it out and opened it with George.

Dearest Fredrick and George,
This letter is going to explain to you the importance that you hold to me and I hope that once you read it you will understand why I couldn't tell you in person.
For starters you are both my mates which means you are my eternal partners I do not get anyone else you both if you accept me will be by my side forever your lifespans will be lengthened to the same as an elf which is about 150 years. With being my mate you will have some perks but also some weaknesses which I will explain.
The perks will be you will gain some of my powers which will aid you if you are ever lost as you will be connected with nature and you will be able to understand animals and creatures. You will be immune to many poisonous plants and venoms due to them being part of nature. You will have an enhanced sense of smell, sight and hearing as well as physical strength and speed. You will also be granted a power of your own but what it is will only be discovered by you.
Your weakness will be that elves have a poison that can kill us instantly it's called elfia trucizna which translates to elven poison. This can kill you both but it's one of the only things that can kill an elf or their mates not even the killing curse can though Crucio can work but to an extent. You may also be weakened when you are far from nature areas such as a huge city with no natural parks or anything. These are some of the only weaknesses to you both.
The mating and marking process has been discussed but not in full detail so I will explain in detail in person I was a little embarrassed as we were in public. The marking process is simple I will bite both of you while being intimate then that will grant you both the power to mark me in return this will create a bond between us stronger than even a marriage bond could. It creates an eternal bond between us and you may feel a bond between each other that grows stronger but not in the same way as mine if you don't wish it can be purely friendship. This will create a stronger bond and we will be able to feel each other's emotions and know if the others are in danger. Then the mating process is most of the time completed during the marking as it becomes a very intimate moment as we are completing part of the bond and it can become very heated and might trigger my heat. The mating will take place not long after we acknowledge the bond as I will become restless the longer we wait.
This is most of the information you will need to know and if you wish to know more about my creature I can guide you to many different books that may help. I hope that you both will accept me and the bond.
Yours truly
Neville Longbottom

As we finished reading I was smiling like mad and so was George I couldn't have been happier he was ours even though we thought we lost him. We raced out of the room to find Neville though we ran into Harry. "Hey do you have the map on you we need to know where someone is." We asked together which is rare. Harry nodded and handed us the map we looked at it and found him in the herbology classroom and closed the map and handed it back before running off. I'm sure we looked mad to everyone but we just needed to get to him. We burst through the doors to the classroom that he was in alone and saw him standing over the moon roses. "You could have just said it was us!" I exclaimed loudly and he turned smiling at us. "I thought you would have wanted to think about it more." He told us and we shook our heads. "We were going to tell you yesterday that we were in love with you but then you said about your mates," George told him and he looked at us with shock then he broke into a smile. Since I was the closest he came up to me on his tip toes and kissed me it was soft and sweet but full of love. Then he pulled away and did the same with George and being honest it was kinda hot to see that. We decided to stay and help him for the rest of the day while getting to talk, laugh and flirt.

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