Theo x neville pt3

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Theo's pov
I seen the blush on his face as he looked down at the floor which gave me the impression that he seen my hard on. As I was only wearing a house coat which wasn't hiding much as I pulled it on in a panic trying to figure out who was here. "Nev what do you want?" I asked which he looked down at blushing deeply. "I want to be with you. I want this Theo please." He whimpered out which was all it took before I had him pinned to the sofa without a shirt on as I kissed down his chest. I made sure that every inch of his chest and neck was marked with my bites. Once I touched his nipples he screamed in pleasure which was adorable as he just collapsed into my hold trusting me completely. I quickly lifted him into my arms as he wrapped his legs around my waste so I could carry him to my bed as no way on earth would I make love to him on that sofa as that would be a pain to try clean as it's a fabric sofa and it wouldn't mean as much. As I laid him on my bed I watched as his eyes scanned the room to see his surroundings when his eyes landed on a picture of us from our trip to the park last week. "You framed it?" He question which I nodded before lifting the other picture that I had which was from the Christmas party in our 6th year before the soulmate stuff had happened which I seen his eyes full with love as he seen the picture. He instantly kissed me as the pictures we returned to their places by my magic to ensure they stayed safe as I started to unbuckle Neville's belt then he jeans dropped the minute I unhooked them. I looked at him lying on my bed with only his boxers on and his chest and neck baring my bite marks. I was pleased with the work but as he whimpered and whined reaching for me I tilted my head. "Yes nev what's the matter love?" I asked which he blushed but I moved closer as he was reaching for me. As soon as I was in arms reach he pulled the knot on my house coat and it opened up completely to show my skin which nev blushed a deep red as he stared at me. "Like what you see angel?" I asked which he nodded as I smirked before kissing him again as the housecoat fell from my shoulders on the ground. Once we broke apart I pulled his boxers off and leaned down to lick at his dick and man did that taste delicious. He used a coconut flavoured body wash which smells amazing but makes him taste good too. As I licked at his dick he started to squirm and wriggle under me. "I'm guessing you're non verbal when in pleasure situations?" I asked curious to know when he nodded. "So how can I know if it's too much for you or if need to stop or if you need to come or slow down?" I asked overthinking which he smiled. He hit my right arm and showed his hand which I got was stop. "So right arm means stop." I confirmed which he nodded. Then he triple tapped my left arm with two fingers the gestured to slow down. "Three taps means slow." I said which he nodded again and he double tapped my leg which he gave a blush to which i guess meant he needed to cum. "So double tap on the leg means you're going to cum?" I asked which he nodded with a smile. "You okay to continue?" I asked earning a nod before he laid his head back down. I quickly moved back down till I was level with his hole which seemed slightly stretched and got annoyed. As I looked I seen that he had a vibrator in currently which probably why his face is tomato red. "Where's the remote?" I asked which he pointed to his jeans and I fished the remote out and placed it in a sequence of intervals where it went from super slow and gentle to the highest setting every 30 seconds. After two minutes he triple tapped my arm while double tapping my leg which I turned it off knowing he meant to slow down or he would cum. I pulled the vibrator out and quickly pushed myself into him with a smile. As I kissed him to ease any pain he had and to distract him. Once he adjusted he moaned which I started to move faster and harder until I was at a good pace that ripped moans from him every second. After 10 minutes I felt two taps on my leg and with a kiss he quickly came all over our chests and a minute later I followed. I quickly ran a bath for him before he could pass out and made sure that he was cleaned up before drying him off and putting him in a hoodie and boxers and into my bed after I changed the bedclothes of course. I cuddled him as we both fell asleep in each others arms with smiles on our faces.

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