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James' pov
I knew going to the hall for dinner would end badly but I didn't expect last night but still only a few times have I spoke and it's always to my saviours which are the ones who got me out of the foster home while mum, dad, Charlie and Luci all helped arrest the lady abusing us. They all nursed me back to health I owe my life to them all. As I was sitting in the library i felt as Severus entered and quickly packed my stuff up to leave but quickly felt as Tom wrapped around me in his snake form. "Let me go now!" I whisper shouted but he didn't listen but I didn't care I wouldn't be cornered in my safe space. I quickly lifted my bag in my hand as Tom was stopping me from putting it on my back but I still walked out didn't care what happened he has no right to want anything from me. Once I was in the abandoned corridor I stopped. "Would you let me go?" I asked which he shifted back quickly and grabbed hold of my arm. "I know Severus hurt you and he is sorry for that." Tom said as Severus rounded the corner which I laughed at. "He's only sorry he got caught as well as I don't think I can forgive what I heard. You try being mates with someone who said they would rather die than be with someone like me!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face. "He said what?" Tom questioned which I looked down. "Yeah he said that two months ago now I think I would've understood if it was years ago but trying having to explain to my dragon why his human mate doesn't want him and would rather die because i don't know how and my dragon is mourning the loss of his mate. Don't worry I won't reject him I know the pain and damage that can cause but you don't wanna be with someone who would say that about me." I told him which he nodded to. "Did you also realise that it wasn't my scent? Did you know that lily made a Polyjuice potion to get one of her friends to be me? Did you know that I've been in love with you from I was 11? Did you know that I wouldn't say that because it wouldn't have been true?" Severus questioned before I could even say anything. "Severus it was your scent I know because I though maybe it wasn't you but it smelt like you." I told him but I believed him his heart didn't falter like everyone's else would've. "Well i dont know because that wasn't me James I pro..." I covered his mouth with a water cover. "I believe you sorry you were about to start ranting." I smiled at him before he basically tackled me but i created a guard to catch me. "James I'm so sorry I tried to tell you it wasn't me this past month but." He looked down but I quickly raised his head and kissed him. "I'm sorry I avoided you it just hurt thinking that you said that." I told him looking down but he kissed my cheek. "Now we learnt to talk to each other when something is wrong an it could've avoided over a month of pain!" Tom told us which we both smiled at him while kissing his cheeks. "Sorry!" We both called before Severus kissed him then I followed suite. It started off rocky but I think from here we can only grow stronger.

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