Lucius x Tom

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Lucius' pov:
I have kept my second gender hidden since it came in nobody was allowed to know as a male omega is seen as disgusting and bad luck so I was kept hidden. Everyone who knows me thinks I'm a beta some even think I'm an alpha because I'm arrogant and sometimes an asshole but that happens to people who are abused for stuff they can't control. My father has abused me since I turned 8 and my second gender came in although now I'm 19 and still flinch at even the slightest hint of someone raising their hand even though my father died two years ago and I never had a mother around.
I joined the Death Eaters with Severus last year and I thought this would be another alpha and beta club where nobody could speak out of tongue toward an alpha but I've seen a few omegas around the table. When I see them look down when an alpha growls the leader Voldemort is his alias he makes sure to shut the alpha up and listen to the omega's opinion which is sweet for someone who wants to take over the world.  The opinions people have of him are very wrong as he wants to bring muggle-borns and half-bloods into the wizarding world as children to ensure their safety from magic-hating muggles and ensure that omegas have equal rights in the community.
Currently, we are sitting in a meeting with the death eaters discussing the recent missions that everyone was on. The leader seems to be watching my every move today and I'm unsure how to take this as he is one of the strongest alphas I've come across. It doesn't help I've had a slightly major crush on him for a few months since I saw him speaking so kindly to the omegas and treating them like people and not pets. As the meeting finished up and we all packed away our supplies I heard my name called but couldn't place who it was.
"Mr Malfoy, could I have a word with you once everyone leaves please?" Voldemort asked politely so I nodded my head with a blank face to not give away how worried I was. I saw the looks everyone gave me as they left some looks of concern and surprise as I've never done anything wrong, the omegas gave looks of panic as to why I was in trouble and some gave small smirks as those were my friends who knew of my crush. As the final person left and I felt him relax in the room with me I turned to face him for the first time today.
"What can I help you with my lord?" I questioned hoping he would just assign me a private mission or something small along those lines but I saw as his glamour flickered before stabilising.
"I want to know why your scent is pulling me towards you Lucius I want to know if you're my mate. I wanna know what your secondary gender is because nobody seems to know. I want to know why I've never heard you speak out about anything but yet I can see how enthusiastic you are about the topic." He ranted angrily and I shrunk slightly as I was terrified of what he would do if he found out I hid it from him. "Are you scared? What are you scared of? Are you scared of me? What did I ask? Please talk to me!" He pleaded with me and I turned my back to him and sat in the chair.
"I am an omega that is why my scent is so strong that's why I've never spoken out I was taught that is against the rules and if I tried I'd be punished. I'm terrified of my gender because from the day it came out I was an omega I never lived normally. I was physically, mentally and emotionally abused from I reached my second gender until two years ago when my dad died. I've never told anyone I've never trusted anyone and I will never trust anyone because I don't need to be hurt because of my gender." I explained while looking down before standing up and walking out of the room.
"Lucius!" I heard as he caught up to me and I turned to face him to see such a bright smile on his face but it wasn't Voldemort in front of me. It was his human form a handsome 6-foot man with chocolate brown hair and ruby red eyes that shone bright and had so many amazing features I think my brain stuttered. "I like you alright all of you and knowing you weren't an omega was killing me because I couldn't have you or hold you or keep you. Lucius, you're my mate! I will protect you, love you, hold you, hug you, kiss you and keep you forever am I clear? If I ever hurt you please kill me because I can't live with myself." He explained and I couldn't think of anything to say I was completely speechless.
My only thought at that moment was to keep him forever he's the only person to ever tell me to ensure that he doesn't hurt me and if he does then punish him. My crush loves me back what am I meant to say or even do to that? I just hugged him I knew nothing else but to hold him close to me and breathe his scent which was intoxicating. Maybe my life will finally improve with having him in it to protect me and love me. "Can we try this relationship please?" I asked quietly praying he heard the question and I received a small nod.

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