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Severus pov:
I've been struggling for weeks to concentrate on my work but I can't seem to. I seen Lupin, Black and Potter sneaking around last month and I'm gonna catch them this time and find out what they are doing even if it is the last thing I do. I know that it's once a month they sneak out as I've seen them before just never thought anything of it. I've been watching the main doors like a hawk the past week as I know it will be any day now. I seen Black and Potter basically carry Lupin out this time which got me worried as there is something no one knows about me and that is that I have a huge crush on all three of them even though they don't like me back. So I quietly followed them both and an almost unconscious Lupin out the doors and towards the whomping willow which got me worried as they wouldn't be able to immobilise the tree with Lupin but they continued to walk towards the branches. The tree tried to hit black but I quickly immobilised it knowing he couldn't with Lupin. They both spun and Lupin lifted his head slightly. "Snape what are you doing here and how did you know it was going for me?" Black asked curiously but I knew he was worried. "I seen Lupins condition and wanted to check on him seen you walk close to the tree and with Lupin you couldn't really defend yourself." I told them and they looked skeptically before a cry from Lupin snapped us out of it. "We don't have time!" James shouted as he panicked. I knew what was happening and as soon as Lupin was in full shift I shouted which he quickly started to chase me. I ran for a few miles before stopping to calm down as we were at a good distance away from the school. "Snape watch out!" Black cried and I turned to see Lupins wolf staring at me and I chuckled. "Hi I'm Severus." I greeted kindly and he pushed me onto the ground lightly then laid on my knees. "Moony no he's not your toy!" Potter shouted and moony growled before cuddling into me. "He won't harm me! He physically can't his body won't allow him." I explained and they looked skeptically. "Explain now snape! You could have died if he caught you! You were irresponsible and put yourself in danger!" Black shouted at me while I looked down. "The minute he shifted I felt it and knew exactly what was happening I found my mates. I could sense something off you two but due to me not knowing if you were creatures or not it's impossible to know but the minute he shifted and you two with him I knew. I'm a vampire or prince of vampires. Lupin or Moony is the balance between us all somehow. He's the dominant, Potter is the dominant-submissive, Black is the submissive-dominant and I'm submissive." I explained the best I could to them as they stared shocked. "I get it I'm not the best as a mate I'll keep it quiet if you want we don't have to see each other or be together I just needed to get Lupin away from the school." I told them knowing they wouldn't wanna stay with me. "Shut up!" Potter shouted and I looked down. "Don't ever assume staff about any of us!" Black continued and I kept my head looking at the ground. "We have been in love with you since second year and you actually think we will give that up." Lupin growled and I could easily tell he was wanting me to stay as long as possible. Black smashed his lips against mine to try get my attention. "You are the smartest and most amazing person we know Severus please don't reject us." James pleaded. "I thought you didn't want me! I've loved the three of you for years and will never give you up once I have you!" I told them and cuddled into Moony who was still cuddled into me. He half shifted back to to point he was human but had obvious points of his wolf. He was also was very naked and was huge. He slammed his lips on mine fast and caused me to moan loudly at how much passion he put into it. We heard a whimper so we broke apart and seen Sirius squirming. "Come here puppy!" Remus called in a gruff voice and Sirius rushed into his chest and kissed him roughly. But James slammed his lips on mine fast as I wasn't expecting it. As I broke apart I heard Sirius moan at the same time I did.

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