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Draco's POV:
It has been months since the reports came in about the pirates sailing close to our lands. Father has been going wild trying to protect our lands from any pirate activities. I find it fascinating I'm sure pirates have to survive off what they steal as they don't have money or a home.
Currently, it's around midnight which with the curfew Father has set makes the entire town look abandoned. I was watching from my balcony as it overlooks the town when I saw the ship not far from shore. I watched as a few lifeboats pulled to the beach as the pirates started searching for something I decided to bring them some food and money as it'll get them off the land faster. I have enough of both as we get multiple shipments so I settled the horse and carriage with food and gold before heading out. It was a short journey before I arrived to the pirates each standing with a weapon ready to strike. The captain I assume stepped forward looking suspicious.
"I have food and gold in the carriage take it all and the carriage included if you wish. There are some old outfits as well if you wish for them but they are royal outfits you could probably get a lot of gold for." I explained while they all stared at me shocked as I unhooked the carriage.
"Why are you giving us food and gold?" questioned the captain with a shocked look.
"You have to make a living someway and it's not fair the judgement you receive just because you make a bad judgment call. I'll be king next year if any of your crew wish to settle then they are welcome to." I told him with a nod and a smile.
"What about the ladies I have on board people treat them worse than animals why would I let them be here and treated like that?" he growled which I found shocking.
"You mean those rumours of the kingdoms are true about how they treat ladies? Why would someone treat them like that? We treat them better than even men here as they do all the hard work with having children so both do all the housework and childcare. As well we have more ladies that work than men." I explained the few ladies I saw behind him stared shocked at me.
"Sorry captain once he's kind I'm coming back to live here!" one of the girls called with a giggle.
"You will always be welcome!" I told them with a smile and nod. They nodded before grabbing what I had given including the outfits and packed up their lifeboats before leaving. The captain did tell me his name is Harrison.
A year later I was crowned king and the celebration started across the kingdom. Father tried to insist I needed a bride before ascending to the throne but I shot him down and he eventually agreed to allow it. I haven't seen or heard from the pirates from the night I gave them food and gold.
I was in the castle when I heard the screaming from the town. I instantly went into a panic and went straight to the stable to get a horse before racing towards town. As I got closer I saw that it was the same pirates I met last year on the beach many people screamed at them and tried to corner them.
"Enough!" I shouted as I got close enough everyone bowed knowing that I didn't take disrespect. "Anyone wish to explain why you are cornering my guests?" I questioned annoyed as everyone's eyes widened at my statement.
"Your majesty they are pirates!" someone shouted as chaos was about to erupt.
"Pirates that have left our land in peace because of a deal I struck them over a year ago!" I growled annoyed. "Do not think that I would put my people in danger. I have allowed people from the crew to reside and settle here." I growled annoyed and angry at being questioned before they all bowed and retreated.
"Welcome back Captain Harrison!" I called as I jumped down off the horse. "Didn't think I'd see you so soon. Maybe next time send a letter first so my people don't try to drown you all!" I chuckled as his crew smiled at me with warm smiles.
"Do you mean we can be happy and free here?" A girl with brown curly hair asked with a sceptical look. I smiled at her for knowing not to trust anyone without proof.
"Of course plus in our kingdom we have each person explain what they want their home to look like within reason and we have it built for them while they live in the castle," I explained to them as they stared in shock. "Okay anyone who wishes to stay start making your way to the castle to get rooms sorted out." I smiled while many of them started making their way through.
"You took my whole crew you know!" Harrison called from behind me causing me to spin facing him. "I'll let you away with it 'cause you're cute," he smirked before walking past me.
"Wait you can't just walk off after saying that! Who just walks off? Ugh!" I groaned as I heard his chuckle. As I hopped back onto the horse to ride home.
As we reached the castle I heard the gasps of pure awe. I saw the crew members admire the elegance and luxury of the castle as we entered the archway after handing the horse over to one of the guards. As I guided them further into the castle to sit in the second living room they were still in awe.
"Sorry I know there would be people in the other living room which is fancier but this one is going to have to do," I explained and they looked in shock. "Well for starters I want to introduce myself formally. I am King Dracoius Lucius Malfoy and I hope we can get along." I introduced myself while they watched me in awe. "Pansy, Blaise, Daphne and Theo please could you show each of them to their rooms and for the love of god girls with the girls please I don't wish a repeat of Blaise' flirting!" I called while I heard the four of them giggling and laughing remembering the last incident. As they led all the crew away I kept Harrison behind to ensure I could speak privately to him.
"I feel like I'm getting in trouble being kept behind." he chuckled as I shook my head.
"Thank you for not attacking anyone down there I know you could have. They are protective of what we have built and you aren't the first pirates to attack but I knew your crew were different. So thank you." I told him he nodded at me with a slight bow of his head.
"You are the first to show us kindness many of my crew are just over 18 we range from 18-20 all of us but no one cared. Also, I should be thanking you those outfits let us get into kingdoms undetected to get more food with the gold you gave us and the food you gave lasted a few months so thank you. Just for that kind act that probably didn't cost you much, it saved us." he explained I smiled at him as I didn't do anything big just a few bits I could put together. I looked at him analysing him as he was hot and I had never felt that towards anyone before.
"It was no problem I'm glad I could help." I smiled awkwardly as he walked towards me and lifted my chin before crashing our lips together. He instantly won dominance and I melted into him as he pressed us closer together.

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