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Sirius' pov:
I have been dancing for years although my parents refused to let me perform I've been to every dance competition possible to watch. I have a slight crush on a popular dancer James potter as he is super cute. He has dark brown shaggy hair that looks like bed head and the most gorgeous hazel eyes ever that his glasses enhance. I met him twice over the years but he always waves at me as he leaves the stage after performing now as he knows I'm always there. Then there is his best friend and partner Remus Lupin but he never does solos as he is only James dance partner. He has sandy brown hair that looks so beautiful and chocolate brown eyes that anyone could lose themself in. He has scars on his face from being attacked by a wolf when he was out camping at age 6 but I think they add to his beauty. It obvious that he is uncomfortable with the spotlight on him but he pushes through for James sake.
They have just left the stage after their duet and have another duet further into the competition but I seen Remus limping as he left the stage. I decided to check it out as my parents are highly known in the community I'm always allowed access. As I reached backstage I seen Remus holding ice to his leg while shaking his head and James head in his lap.
"What's going on?" I asked shocking everyone as they all jumped to their feet while staring at me. I quickly raised my hands in defence.
"You know all my dances right?" James questioned jumping towards me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion before tilting my head. "Remus got injured in the last part of our dance. He will never be able to do the second duet but you know our dances you're at every rehearsal and competition plus your parents let you watch from the stands in the studio please Sirius." James pleaded with me which I didn't know what to do.
"I do know all your dances and I know all Remus' parts to them but my parents would never let me. I've pleaded for years to be allowed to dance but it's forbidden." I explained and seen James deflate like a balloon. I hated seeing that knowing I could make him happy so I decided to screw what my parents think. "Fine I'll dance with you but you have to find me something to dance in that matches!" I challenged him as my side is a lot smaller than Remus'.
As James ran off to find a costume for me I sat beside Remus to see how he is. He gave me a side glance before looking back at his injury. As all the first aid team started to leave us alone I seen him deflate.
"Thank you for doing this I don't think James would be able to smile for a while if he knew I got injured and he couldn't perform. Dance is his life! His parents passed away after his first competition they were dancers and he finds comfort in it. I would never forgive myself if he missed this dance." Remus explained with a small distant look in his eyes. "This dance please tell me you know it." Remus asked with desperation in his voice.
"Of course I know it the dance was performed about 20 years ago by Effie and Monty who were the best dance duo why?" I questioned as to why it was so important to him that I knew it.
"Sirius Effie and Monty were his parents that's why it's so important to James he performs it today to bring their memory back to him. It's their anniversary today." Remus explained but I instantly nodded as the door opened James came in looking defeated.
"I can't find a costume that would match the design. None will fit the outfit he first wore to perform it and I just want it to..." he cut himself off by falling onto the chair. I quickly rushed out to where I was seated in the audience and grabbed my bag that I always keep a dance outfit in. I walked back in to see James crying into Remus' shoulder.
"Will this outfit work? I know it doesn't look exactly like the outfit but it's similar." I asked hoping he would approve. It was a sparkly red sequenced shirt with a few gems around the collar. Then there was skin tight black trousers that cling to my skin. I watched as James' eyes widened at the shirt.
"It looks like mums dress! It is perfect how did you?" He gasped out trying to stop crying as he knew that it might actually work. I didn't think about that as it does look like Effie's dress as she work a red sequenced dress with gems around the neckline that always made her stand out.
"I always keep an outfit with me I just didn't realise this was the theme until remus told me that it was to represent the original dancers. I absolutely love those two dancers they are my idols." I explained with a smile and was tackled by James before he ran off to get changed.
"Maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were Sirius black. You are nothing like your parents and I'm happy to say I approve of you being James' new dance partner." Remus explained which I stared shocked. "Sirius I don't like dancing I do it for James but you adore it and you need someone who can show you the basis of competitions." Remus told me with a smile which I gave him shocked expression.
"You're kidding right? Me a real dancer remus I can't. Also it's obvious you don't like dance I've known for years you don't like attention on you at all even earlier when everyone was fussing over you." I told him but he shook his head.
"I think Jamie may be right you will make a great addition to our relationship!" Remus said as he walked away from me causing me to freeze on the spot and stare after him. I quickly shook myself off to get ready so I wouldn't upset James but I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. I would make a great addition to their relationship! I do have a crush on them both but it wouldn't be right I don't know them well enough and I'm just a stranger right.
"You look gorgeous Sirius! I meant what I said before but it's up to you how we proceed." Remus called from beside James as he smiled at me but James gave a confused look. "I told him he would make a great addition to our relationship." Remus said to James who gave him wide eyes before looking at me.
"I don't mind I mean I've been in love with you both for years so the only difference would be I would be telling you how I'm feeling and how I think you did instead of hiding it." I said before slapping a hand over my mouth realising what just came out. James stepped forward removing my hand from my mouth and kissing me softly.
"We've been in love with you too we just didn't know how you would feel. Now we have a dance to do my love." James smiled as he had tears peak the corner of his eyes.
"My love you go explain the situation to the judges then Sirius will meet you on stage!" Remus called which James nodded and skipped out. "This happened right before his parents first show the original performance of this dance they confessed before going onto stage. That's why years were in his eyes as he realised we are repeating history and his parents had an amazing marriage." Remus explained as James skipped back in and kissed Remus' cheek.
"I forgot my kiss for good luck how can I win if I don't have my kiss!" James called worriedly as remus turned and pecked his lips then mine before James dragged us onto stage for our performance.

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